Chapter twelve: What did you do?

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"How did it go" Cameron called, jogging over to me as I crossed the grass from the psychology building.

"All sorted" I said with a grin.

Cams hand came up and he pointed at me accusingly "I don't like the look of that grin Wren"

I push his hand down with a laugh and wrap my arm around his as we walk back across the campus to go get lunch, plans we had made with Clark and Jade earlier.

"I did what you said... I told her it was fine, and that she didn't have to worry"

Cam narrows his eyes at me and I nudge him sideways "okay okay... I just got a tad carried away is all"

"Wren" Cam says accusingly "what is it with you and Lym... you just can't help yourselves... if it's not you... it's her. What did you do?"

I laugh out loud at the way Cameron always sounded like an exasperated guardian angel when it came to my sister and I.

"I may have provoked her a tad... May have flirted slightly... perhaps you could say... teased her... and I certainly wasn't about to sit when she demanded it of me... so I was a little, a teeny weeny bit... defiant" I say finger and thumb pinched together and nose wrinkled.

Cameron ran his hand over his face and let out a long breath "So basically... you stoked the fire and left it burning"

"Yes" I admit a little too proudly "I left her office in flames" I chuckle "but she wasn't without accelerant Cameron... she doused me as I left with a suggestive comment... I think we both did our fair share."

Cam shakes his head "But why... what the hell are you two going to do now...walking around like two horn bombs ... who can't have each other but see one another every week and fuck each other continuously with their eyes"

"This sounds like a disaster waiting to engulf you both" Cam added.

"Let it" I return with a smile on my face, one that wouldn't wipe away.

I thought about that, how it could all blow up in our faces at any moment if we continued to push each other's buttons, continued to flirt with the heat that existed there between us... but I just didn't care. I was quite literally a moth to the flame... and I wanted to play with fire, it was in my blood.

Just call me a Pyromaniac at this point, because I was about to set lots of little fires... and enjoy watching them burn.

Wednesday wasn't such a bust after all.


"Kate" I whine, deflating, my forehead pressed to a pile of paperwork on the desk in front of me.

"You sound awful... what's wrong" she answers.

Wren had literally just walked out of the room, and I was now free falling into the inappropriateness of my comment as she left, and the way the whole thing just didn't go or play out as planned.

Wren Nomikos just walked right over me... and I let her. 

"Its ... Wren...she's in my mothers psychology class" I reveal hesitantly, not wanting to voice it but having to admit it either way to my best friend, she would know what to do, Kate was a fixer, she could make it better.

There is a silence and then a shrill sound of laughter that could quite obviously not be contained.

I sit up and frown "Katherine ..." I chastise "I rang for your sage wisdom and advice... I rang you to help me fix it... not to offer comedic relief to your delivery schedule"

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