Chapter twenty one: Family

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My ankle is beginning to throb and I'm kinda wishing I went home to put it up and ice it instead of sitting in this burger restaurant, squeezed between Cameron and Jade who are throwing looks at each other, over me!

"Is your phone buzzing or are we experiencing an earth tremor" Cam asks as he looks down to my jeans pocket that was pressed against his thigh.

I slip my hand into my pocket and retrieve the cell, my moms picture is on the screen, it's my mama calling.

"Oh shit... I didn't call them after the game about my injury" I say grimacing and placing the phone down beside my plate, like if I didn't look at it she would stop calling.

Cam laughs "Harper is about to annihilate you"

"I don't want to answer" I protest sticking out my bottom lip.

Clark pushes the phone from where I had placed it on the table and pushed it back into my hand from opposite "Wren, take it from a girl who also has two moms... if you don't answer that phone they will arrive at your door as soon as possible and you will face the look of disappointment and the fatal words "you broke your mamas heart" from your other mom... don't do it"

Ava nods in agreement "Answer Wren... you know what your moms are like they will be so worried"

I pretend to pray, hands clasped together, and pick it up "hey mama" I say chirpily and I bare my teeth together at her annoyed dramatic exhale.

"Wren I've been calling for an hour" she begins "and you know what I hate" she starts and I widen my eyes and raise my eyebrows as the table all lean into listen, my mama was about to go postal.

"What do you hate mama" I ask and I wrinkle up my nose for the answer. Shit.

"I hate that you are eighteen and considered an adult now. I hate that this means I get no notifications when my flesh and blood now gets injured in a game. I hate that I now have to find this information out from the radio on the way home from Bastions spelling bee... like the whole god damn state did"

"Mama" I begin to apologise but she continues shouting loudly.

"I had calls from my own mama before I even took a breath.... Then your grandad, then your aunty Calliope and Demitra, Thea, Maria and they all wanted to know what the injury, our daughter, sustained was, but guess what, Wren Helena Nomikos" she asks.

"Shit" Cam says wincing "she went full name" he whispers.

Alex, Jade, Clark and Ava all look like there's a grim reaper hanging over my head.

"I didn't have a clue... I had no freaking idea what happened... you could have been in hospital for all we knew or had some injury that took you out of the game... but you didn't even call us, your parents, not one call to let us know in advance before we found out"

"Mama please" I beg. "It's not that bad I just got bruised"

"Wren that's not the point... I'm so mad with you" she says and then she starts crying.

I frown and rub my forehead with my hand "mama please stop" I beg. I feel awful now.

The phone sounds as if it moves.

"Little bit" mom says coming on the line.

"I didn't mean to upset her... I just didn't think... I'm sorry" I beg.

"It's not just you... She's feeling sensitive is all, Olympia has been testing every boundary and nerve that we posses this week" mom reveals frustratedly.

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