The 5th Continuation for the Chapter 28 Chapter 9's Trivia Section

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- Yes, in the previous part, I acknowledged that the application of Sharia law in Indonesia tends to be discriminatory, but secular law can also be discriminatory and restrict the freedom of a religious person to carry out his religious obligations.

For example in France there is a prohibition on Muslim women not being allowed to wear the hijab in many places, or even the worst example, in Sweden, there are many immigrant children from Muslim families who are taken by Social Service agents to be "educated" by those agents so that they grow up as a person who adheres to the values ​​and norms of Swedish society, some of which are against their religious beliefs or moral values.

Below is the response of a woman from Australia who married a Swede and explained her experience of having her child almost taken by a Swedish Social Service agent because she was deemed to have abused her child simply because some people around her thought her child were not behaving normally by Swedish people's standards.

Below is the response of a woman from Australia who married a Swede and explained her experience of having her child almost taken by a Swedish Social Service agent because she was deemed to have abused her child simply because some people around h...

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