Chapter 7 Part 1 "Ilhan's Departure"

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POV Ilya

After mrs. Chandra's death, I could not stop thinking about who is the real identity of the person named Gerda van Lynden who rented the hotel together with the CCTV record that showed the event when they booked the room where besides them, there were 2 other people who booked the room but they booked a different room even though within sequential time. These 2 people may be in the same team with the person named Gerda van Lynden because their identities are also fake.

Damn, how can I find out where their real identities are? Every fake identities that they have has a different birth place, date of birth and birth certificate so their biodata are also different from one to another.

The only clue that I can use is their digital fingerprints. Wait that's it! Fingerprint! Many of their identities are fake so many of the fingerprints on their identity documents maybe being faked too! Huuft, this will take a long time to match their fingerprints all one by one in order to find which is fake and original based on their digital identity documents such as diplomas and the like, bismillaah.

I began checking civil population data, diploma data issued by the minister of education, birth certificate, and the like.

Exhaustion is creeping into my body, my eyes were sore and red from lack of sleep due to staying up late for the past few days in order to find the true identity of the 3 people until, on the 10th day I found it.

Without wasting time, I immediately shared my findings with mevrouw Sofia, Muhamed, mr. Wisnu and mr. Ilhan. They all received the data I sent and they gave me reply except mr. Ilhan who did not reply as fast as those three.

I returned to contact mevrouw Sofia, asking her about where mr. Ilhan had gone because as far as I recall he lived in mr. Wisnu's house along with her to protect him from the bad things that had happened.

She said, mr. Ilhan was going to meet his new companion who would help him to deal with the case that he was facing. Knowing that, I tried to trace the mr. Ilhan's whereabouts, his smartphone showed that he was at an inn. I immediately told mevrouw and mr. Wisnu about it.

After receiving my notification, mevrouw informed me, she and mr. Wisnu gone to the inn in order to check the situation.

Hours passed, until I got a message from mevrouw. There is no sign of mr. Ilhan's whereabouts just like what had happened to mrs. Chandra. Room bookings were made at the place on behalf of someone else in the hours after mr. Ilhan's departure at the inn and oddly enough. From every room that was examined during the hours of mr. Ilhan's departure, there were 3 empty rooms in which in the drawers and cupboards were not found anything unlike when mrs. Chandra disappeared. This is bad, mr. Ilhan's smartphone is there but not in the room. If not there then where?!

Even more strange, mr. Lodewijk, who just arrived and contacted me today said that he had not been picked up and met with mr. Ilhan He went alone to the apartment where he lived.

My body went limp, I didn't know what else to do. Allah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah forgive him O Allah and if he really has returned to your side I beg your apologies for my failure to protect him.

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