Chapter 1 Part 4 "Excuseer me sinjo"

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I saw Sofia from behind a bookshelf, she's doing small jumps over and over, trying to grab the book she wanted to take.

The way she jumps, her tense and gloomy facial expressions made her looked like she was asking for help. However, she keeps trying to do it alone, everything is very similar to the that Sofia appears in my dreams lately.

In my dream, she has another name, Sofia Safija Sokolovic, she lives with me and her father. Her father was a hard worker. However, in my dream he often left us for working to support our lively hood. We spent days together, through joy and sorrow. In my dream, I often call her as my lady, we feel each other what each of us feels and strives to improve each other

If I am sad then she will try to comfort me, if she is hurt then I will try to relieve her pain. Everything seemed vague. However, it feels very real than here.

If you want to know, I have a strange disease. My physical senses are not as sensitive as the humans around me. My parents have brought me to many doctors and I've been checked by them. However, they said it was a genetic disorder in me and there is no cure for it. The name of the illness that I suffered was Congenital Analgesia in which my nervous systems to feel, smell, and taste died but I'm never bothered with it because of the result of my abnormality, my body regeneration is quick, I can't feel any pain in any form and every time I hurt I recovered quickly, it is just that just, I wanted to be able to experience what the people around me experienced.

I want to be able to feel the spicy flavor on my tongue, smell the scent of my mother's homemade cooking or feel the pain when my finger got cut from the knife that I use when I cook. Ah never mind, at least because I can't feel the pain and recover quickly from the wounds that I suffered, I got the nickname "Bionic Man" and well, because of my disorder I quite often involved in fights.

I used to see a friend of mine who is a native from the eastern region of the United States Republic of Indonesia got bullied through physical violence because of his dark skin color, without hesitation I immediately attack those who bullied my friend. The kids that I'm fighting against were kicking, hitting, and clawed me back. However, I really didn't feel any pain, even when they attack me over and over again I can always stand firmly and got up without problems and knocked them all out. Well, in the end, I was getting suspension and being forbid to attend school but to my father it didn't matter, he said I did the right thing.

Because of that, a little idea arises in my mind to try to attract Sofia even though I had to cause trouble against Vinno but I immediately tried to get rid of that thought. It's an evil thought. I shouldn't have such a intention, to take something that belongs to someone is a disgraceful thing to do by a Muslim who is practicing the religion and its tenets and values. I'd better walk back to my seat, Bismillaah.

"Excuseer me, sinjo (Excuse me, young mister)."

Eh? Sofia, she called me? Is that true? My steps stopped and I turned my sight to her.

"Ja, sinjo, anu permisi mohon maaf jika mengganggu mu, bolehkah saya meminta tolong? (Yes, sinyo, sorry and excuse me if I disturb you but may I ask for your help?)"

I turned my body and for the first time in my life I see her fully from nearby. Her two silver eyes are shining and reflecting the color of the moon, her pink lips like Cherry fruits, her golden hair, very charming. Astaghfirullaah what do I do?! Lower and avert your gaze Karim!

"Iya, ada yang bisa aku bantu mevrouw? (Yes, is there anything I can help you with, my lady?)"

"I want to take the book that is placed on the top of this shelf, the book that titled Canon of Medicine. If sinjo willing to, may sinyo take it for me please?"

Antara Darah dan Hati: Dream Reality English TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now