Chapter 9 Part 4 "Tot weerziens broeder"

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*Play the song above for the theme of this part

POV Lodewijk

Broeder, what did he do? He fired his gun at the sniper who aimed us both. They both shoot their weapons at the same time. His shot hit the sniper's head along with him who fell down due to the hot bullet that penetrated his stomach. Why did he do that?!

Blood began to flow out of his stomach, he was dying, I tried to stand up but this damned handcuffs and neck cage shocked me again.

"I expected it, well at least this is the end for you Lod-." the man's voice was suddenly cut off then a familiar voice tried to contact me. Ilya's voice. "Brother Lodewijk, are you there ?! Are you still alive?! If you are, please answer!"

"Yes!" I answered as loud as I could

"Wait there, me and Muhamed are on the way to pick up you up!" he said through an intercom installed in this old house. After the conversation, I didn't feel the electric shock anymore or the voice of the stranger who seemed to be a high-ranking member of the right-wing deep state organization who is controlling VSI behind the smoke screen.

I crept using my knees to the place where Ludwig lay. He looked at me then laughed for a moment then coughed, blood is flowing out of his mouth, seeing him like that made me shed tears that slowly turned into cry of pain.

"Broeder, waarom? (Brother, why?)"

"Warum? Ich liebe dich dummkopf. Uhuk, uhuk, uhuk! (Why? I love you, idiot.)" he said then continued his sentence trying to catch up with his increasingly lost consciousness.

"Das Schicksal ist lustig, ich kam hier her um dich zu töten, trotzdem bin ich es, der hier am sterben ist... heheh.... uhuk, uhuk, uhuk! (Destiny is funny, I came here to kill you, instead I'm the one who will die...)" he said in a voice that became more hoarse.

"Wie probeert nu een grapje uit te halen tijdens deze ernstige situatie? Eheheheh... hik, hik, hik. (Now who is the one who make a joke in serious time like this?)" I answered him with a sob and a bit of laugh because for the first time he tried to joke with me even though he made a joke at inappropriate time like this. Brother, you're really bad when it comes to joking.

He laughed a little with me then when his laughter stopped, he continued his sentence with his rasping voice and fading awareness trying to convey something to me.

"Bruder, ich habe noch eine Anfrage letzte bitte. (brother, I have one last request.)"

"Ja, wat is het? (Yes, what is it?)"

"Ich möchte Muslim werden, kannst du mir zeigen wie? (I want to be a Muslim, can you show me how?)"

"Ja dat kan ik, volg wat ik zeg. (Yes, I can, say with me.)" I guide him to say the shahada, along with that my tears are flowing faster because of feeling of happiness and sadness that i felt at the same time.

I'm happy he finally wants to become a Muslim, I'm happy he finally gets guidance but why should it be at times like this? I want to worship with him, perform Ramadan fasting and break the fast with him, do all that with him like a pair of siblings should, but I could not experience all of that because he is at the end of his life. When I finished guiding him, the hue of life faded from his face.

"Alhamdulillaah, je bent nu moslim geworden (you are now a Muslim)."

"Danke für alles, auf widersehen bruder (Thank you for everything, goodbye brother.)" he said his goodbye to me weakly then he breathed his last breath. I saw the look on his face, he is smiling, my Muslim friends once said that if someone died smiling, that person is gone with the best death and will be accepted in heaven, innalillaahi wa Inna ilaihi raaji'uun, Alhamdulillaah.

I'm drowning in my sobs, my body fell on his side. I should not cry over his death because he has returned to God in a state of peace but maybe I cry because I'm wondering. I wonder what will happen if Ludwig survived all of this? Will he accept me as his brother and become a Muslim? Ah, I don't know but maybe his death is the best destiny that God has written for him because He loves him.

After a while, the front door opened. I saw three people approaching me, Mr. Erwin, Muhamed and Ilya. Ilya hacked the electric handcuffs and neck cages that held me back so that I could finally move freely and then I told them about what happened to both of us here.

Mr. Erwin called one of his subordinates asking him to gather an investigation team here to conduct an investigation then when he finished speaking I asked my request to him.

"Mr. Erwin, I have a request."

"What is it Lodewijk?"

"I don't know how but, I request that my brother to be given a proper burial for a Muslim."

"I understand, I'll try. You go home Lodewijk, Muhamed and Ilya will take you."

"Yes sir, thank you." he just nodded and then I was helped to stand by Ilya and Muhamed, walking out of this old house to one of the cars parked in front of it.

Muhamed opened the backseat passanger's door for me, I sat next to Ilya while Muhamed sat in the driver's seat. The engine starts, the car goes backwards and then leaves the place where my brother died protecting me, bedankt voor alles broeder, tot weerziens (Thank you for everything brother, goodbye).


Die Stühle liegen sehr eng
Wir reden die ganze Nacht lang
Dieser niedrige Raum ist nicht schlecht
Wir können uns gut verstehen

So ist es immer, unser Licht ist nur das
Trinken und singen wir, begrüßen morgen
So ist es immer, unterm riesigen Himmel
Leben wir zusammen, die Nacht ist lang

Da die Sterne nicht leuchten
Kann der Mond auf diese Stadt nicht scheinen
Schauten wir das Licht selbst an
Singen wir unter dem Sternenmeer

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