Second and Not a Boy

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Footsteps padded along the cold concrete floor, racing toward the opened window. The wing beats of a dragon could be heard, circling around the Red Keep.

A girl, no more than four name days, climbed to stand on top of the windowsill to get a better look. The wanted to watch her sister and her sister's dragon fly back to King's Landing, and pray that one day that she would have a dragon of her own.

"You lost your Nanny?" A male voice called from behind?"

The girl looked back. "Nannies aren't fun. They try to be fun. But that's because they're afraid of Mother and Father."

The man scoffed. "You're too smart to be three you know."

"I'm four!" The girl turned around to look at her uncle, Daemon Targaryen.

Daemon crossed his arms and smirked. "I missed your last name day huh?"

She narrowed her eyes. "I'm mad at you Uncle Daemon."

Daemon Targaryen couldn't help but laugh at his niece, before mockingly dropping to his knees. "Jesscareya Targaryen, First of her name, Princess of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Relam, I do offer my sincerest apology."

Jessica, as she was known throughout King's Landing, looked at her Uncle in turn before jumping and tackling him to the ground, all the while pealing with laughter.

Daemon scooped her up in his arms, holding her close; his forehead pressed to hers.

"How I've missed home." Daemon murmured, almost to himself. He shifted Jessica so that she was sitting atop his shoulders. And once did he make sure she was secure, did he set off.

She almost thought that Daemon was going to take her to her Mother or Father, but he did not. He walked her down and through the doors of the Iron Throne. There were more swords than Jessica could dare count, it was large and vastly intimidating.

"Why here?" Jessica looked down, reverting to the mother tongue of High Valyrian.

"To see your father." Daemon answer.

Jessica looked down at him as he ascended the steps to the Iron Throne. "He's in a meeting."

Daemon smiled and gently placed his niece upon the trone. It was cold and stiff to Jessica and deadly if she sat the wrong way.

"I do have a gift for you." Daemon smiled and sat down the satchel that he was carrying.

"Close your eyes Princess."

Jessica did tightly as Daemon sat something warm into her arms.

"Ok. Open." He whispered.

Jessica did and almost screamed in excitement as Daemon gently shushed her. Resting gently in her arms was a dragon's egg. It was large almost the length of her torso. It was deep blue. Jessica thought that it was black at first, but when she turned it in her arms she saw the shimmer of blues and purples.

"'s....thank you." Jessica beamed up at Daemon.

"Anything for my niece. Remember, it needs to be warm. Keep it safe with you at all times so you and your dragon may bond."

Jessica went to open her mouth when the door opened.

"Gods be good!" Ser Harrold came to a sudden halt.

Rhaenyra smiled "Its alright." She dismissed Ser Harrold with a wave of her hand.

"Father will be furious." Rhaenyra nodded toward the egg.

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