Hide and Seek

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"Bow your head, Princess." Mysaira whispered as the doors flew opened.

Jessica did just that. Although she did sneek a glance. It was Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk. They walked over the circle of candles. Reaching under to the base below.

There was grunting and they retrieved a tired and exhausted Aegon.

Arryk and Errk tried to keep ahold of the squirming prince. "No...No!"

Aegon continued struggling. "Where is the White Worm?"

Erryk held firm. "She sold you for a price."

Aegon glared. "And why have you paid it?"

Aegon then turned to Erryk. "I want Jessica."

Erryk shook his head. "We do no know the location of The Princess."

Panic spread across Aegon's face, and began to squirm.

Arryk held firm. "We will return you to your beloved Princess."

Outside the Sept Aemond sighed. "Here I am, trawling the city, ever the good soldier in search of a wastrel who's never taken half an interest in his birthright. 'Tis I the younger brother who studies history and philosophy, it is I who trains with the sword, who rides the largest dragon in the world. It is I who took Jessica to wife. It is I who should be..."

Ser Criston gave a nod. "I know what it is to toil for what others are freely given."

Aemond looked at the door. "We can't find them, Cole. I can't find her."

Criston clapped his shoulder. "You are a descent man with no taste for depravity. His secrets are his own, and he is welcome to them."

Aemond shook his head. "Not when those secrets have put my wife in danger."

Aemond started Criston Cole down. "I'm next in line for the throne. Should they come looking for me, I intend to he found."

The doors flew opened Aegon had broken free from Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk, only to be stopped by Aemond and Ser Criston.

"Where is she?" Aemond demanded quietly.

"Brother...." Aegon sighed.

"Where is my wife?" Aemond stepped closer.

"She...." Aegon closed his eyes. Then bolted into a run in the opposite direction.

Aemond took off after Aegon, tackling him to the ground. The two of them began wrestling.

Aemond held him down. "I was hoping you disappeared."

Aegon grunted, "Is our father truly dead?"

Aemond kept a firm grip. "Yes. And they're going to make you king."

Aegon began to squirm and almost got away when Aemond put him in a head lock.

"I have no wish to rule." Aegon began to sob. "No taste for duty! I'm not suited."

"You'll get no argument from me."

Aegon spun taking Aemond's face in his hands. "Give me Jess. Give me Jess and we'll board a ship and sail away, never to be seen again. It's a fair exchange, Brother."

Jessica had seen most of the exchange. She shook her head, both of them fighting in the streets like savages.

It was the twins, Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk who had spotted her as she leaned against the railing, Mysaira at her side. Both of them immediately bowing.

Ser Criston was next immediately bowing his head. When the boys were still unaware, Criston cleared his throat. "Gentlemen."

They stopped, noticed that their heads were bowed.

Aegon spun around and immediately spotted her. "You're safe." He breathed. "You're safe."

It barely took two seconds for Aemond to shove Aegon into Criston Cole, and he made his way to Jessica.

Jessica just opened her mouth. "Ae-"

Aemond's lips fell onto hers, his arms locked around her crushing her to his chest.

Jessica was out of breath by the time Aemond pulled away. He took her face in his hands. "Are you hurt?"

Jessica opened her mouth, but Aemond gave her a shake. She sighed and shook her head no.

"Come," his thumb brushed against her cheek. "Let's get you home My Love."

Aemond went to turn and leave. Jessica held her ground. "Aemond."

He stopped. "Jesscareya."

When Jessica didnt say anything, Aemond turned to her. "It's been a long night. I've been right with worry. Whatever you want to discuss we can as soon as we return to the Red Keep. Now you can either take my hand." Aemond held his hand to her, "or I can carry you back. Either way we are leaving Princess."

Jessica crossed her arms. "Now -"

Before Jessica could react, Aemond took the few steps that separated them. He deftly scooped her up and went to join Ser Criston.

Aegon watched Jessica. "Jess, do something  please."

Jessica looked at Aemond, sighed and nuzzled against her husband, not seeing the satisfied smirk across his lips.

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