A Northern Reception

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The carriage ride back was more relaxed. Jessica could worry about the reception when they arrived back at the Red Keep. Currently she was cuddled against Aemond, his arm securely around her waist, their hands were intertwined, her eyes were closed, enjoying the ride.

Aemond leaned down and kissed her temple, before nuzzling against her. "Content are we, My Love?"

Jessica opened her eyes and looked up at him. "Absolutely."

Jessica giggled as Aemond settled her on his lap, pressing his forehead to hers.

Jessica took her husband's face in her hands. "No turning back now."

"Mm." His lips met hers. "Together until the end of our days." Aemond decided that he would tell her about Aegon tomorrow. No need to ruin her mood on such a joyous day for them.

"You're thinking about something?" Jessica pulled back to look at him.

Aemond pulled her back to him. She was his now and Aemond had earned every single right to be selfish. The days of sharing her and vying for her attention were finally over the moment she said those vows.

And Aemond couldn't be more elated.

He was her protector from the outside world. And if that had to include Aegon and Daemon, then so be it. "It's nothing you need to worry about today love. Today is to perfect of a day. And I don't want to see anything other than a smile on your face."

When they reached King's Landing, they were met with overflowing merriment. Jugglers and fire breathers. Bards and dancers abound. Jessica clutched onto Aemond's arm and immersed herself in her surroundings.

Jessica was seated to Viserys' immediate right, Aemond next to her. Rhaenyra sat to Viserys' left, followed by Daemon.

The Crown spared no expense when it came to the food and wine, and everything Jessica ate and drank was heaven in her mouth.

As soon as conversations began to wind down, Rhaenyra stood up with a glass in hand. "Let's raise our glasses. A toast to the groom. To the bride. From you sister, who's always by your side. To your union Jessica. And to Aemond the hope that you'll provide. And to you both, may you always be satisfied."

Every drained their cups to that.

Once everyone had dined, Aemond and Jessica were out of their seats, with too many introductions from acoss the realm. They ended up dividing and conquring.

Jessica was walking across the dance floor when someone caught her arm. At first she thought it was Aegon. She hadn't seen him since he departed from her chambers that morning. But it wasn't. He looked to be about Jacaerys age...maybe older. Certainly not any older than Jessica.

He smiled, still having a hold of her arm. "You strike me, as a woman who has never been satisfied."

Jessica smirked. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, you forget yourself."

His smiled widened, "you're like me, I'm never satisfied."

Jessica cocked her head to the side. "Is that right?"

"I have never been satisfied." He let go of her arm. He took her hand in his, reaching up placing a kiss, all the while maintaining perfect eye contact.

Jessica smiled. "My name is Jesscareya Targaryen."

"Lord Cregan Stark."

Jessica blinked in surprise. "Lord Paramount of the North."

Cregan scoffed, but his smile quickly returned. "Unimportant, there's a million things I have done. Just you wait, Princess."

"There you are My Love, I've been looking everywhere for you." Aemond had an arm around his bride's waist. "I believe introductions are in order."

"My apologies Love. Aemond this is Lord Cregan Stark. The Paramount of the North. Lord Stark, this is my husband, Aemond Targaryen."

Cregan dropped Jessica's and shook Aemond's hand. "I believe that congratulations are in order for the pair of you. Know that if you require anything, the North will be at your service."

"Thank you Lord Stark." Aemond gave a bow of his head, and escorted his wife away.

Jessica sighed. "He watching Aemond."

Aemond smirked. "Let him watch. Maybe Cregan Stark will hear the news you were married today, and return North where he belongs."

Jessica pulled him to a stop grabbing both his arms. "Careful my prince, you're possessiveness is beginning to show."

Aemond took Jessica's face in his hands and leaned down to her. "Oh My Love, I haven't even begun to possess you yet."

Aemond let a kiss fall upon her lips, one that was probably more scandalous for the public eye than needed. But Aemond made his point.
He pressed his forehead to hers. "Why settle for a Lord, when you have a Prince, hmm."

When Aemond pulled away, he was happy to see the flush of color across her cheeks and lead her back to the banquet table.

Hours and hours the feast went. Jessica bid her Father goodnight when he was ready to retire.

About two hours after that Aemond whispered in her ear. "They won't miss us."

Jessica agreed and took his hand. They were able to slip quickly and quietly away.

The silence was almost deftening. It was such a stark contrast to the feast on the other side of the Red Keep. And for a moment, Jessica relished in the beauty of it.

Aemond poured them both wine and joined Jessica at the fire. Jessica graciously accepted it. Jessica sipped on it as Aemond came up behind her.
Delicately he began to undo each of the nearly forty buttons that lay down her spine.

Jessica suddenly realized how hot the room was, and now what exactly was expected of her. Bedding Daemon was one thing, easy, flawlessly easy. She let him have the control and power. Bedding Aegon that was spontaneous,  fire and blood and passion.

Aemond was entirely new territory.

Jessica breathing hitched as she felt Aemond kiss her shoulder and murmured against her skin. "No dress should have this many buttons."

Jessica smirked and teased. "Call a serving girl for help."

Aemond nipped playfull. "And let them gaze upon what is rightfully mine. I think not Princess."

Aemond was nothing is not diligent, undoing each and every button by hand. "There."

Jessica felt her arms and shoulders give as the fabric slumped. She turned to face Aemond.

He reached up and cupped her cheek.

Jessica twirled a strand of hair around her fingers. "I shouldn't be nervous. This is you and I after all, my prince."

His nose brushed against hers. "I've dreamed of this night for years Princess."

Jessica reached up and found his lips. Letting their weddin night fully begin.

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