Return to King's Landing

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Daemon was not thrilled with the decision in the slightest, nevertheless, Jesscareya was in the accompanying party to King's Landing.

Jessica sighed and settled next to Daemon, topside of the boat. Starfyre flew over them.

"So you plan to pout the entire ride over?"

Daemon raised an eyebrow at her. "And who says I'm pouting?"

Jessica couldn't help but smile. "It's going to be alright My Love."

"It will be as long as you stay by my side." He gave her arms a squeeze. "I mean it, wherever I go you follow. No questions asked."

Jessica should have known something was up with how eerily calm the waters were, she was barely sick. And more alert as they entered the gates to King's Landing. From the outside, at least, it looked like little had changed.

Lord Caswell was the only one to greet them at the door as the guard announced them. "All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne and her royal consort, Prince Daemon Targaryen."

The guard went to announce Jessica's arrival as well when Daemon cut him off, placing a hand on the guard's shoulder and a shake of his head.

"Welcome back Princess." Lord Caswell smiled and lead them inside.

"I would say it's nice to be home, but I scarcely recognize it."

They were lead to their chambers. Jessica, not to her surprise was settling back in her childhood room. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years. Sentimentality hit as she circled the room.

Daemon had told her to come straight to Rhaenyra's chambers once settled. He had looked anxious as they had been separated.

Jessica opened the door and immediately took off toward her Father's chambers.

"Princess." Ser Harrold nodded. "Your Father is sleeping I'm afraid."

"I would still like to look in on him."

Ser Harrold nodded and opened the door.

The room was eerily quiet, and the smell of incense filled the available air space. Jessica walked over to the Valyrian Model, dust had been settling on it for some time. She picked up one of the stone dragons and turned it thrice in hand.

She placed it back and went to sit at her Father's bedside. Almost half his face had been covered up with wrappings and dressings. He was withered and covered in sores.

King Viserys Targaryen was a shell of a man that he once was.

Jessica reached over and silently took Viserys' hand. She sat in quiet prayer and contemplation when he finally stirred. There was a cough, then squeezed her hand.

"Who goes there." His voice was weak and eyes still closed.

"Jesscareya, Father."

Viserys opened his eyes and gave a smile. With his free hand he reached up and cupped her cheek. "Oh my Sweet Girl, how I have missed you."

"And I've missed you."
He smiled wider. "And look at you, you're a woman grown now."

Jessica beamed and leaned into his touch. She was holding back tears. She should have begged Daemon to let he come visit sooner.
"Did you come here all alone?"

Jessica went to answer when the door opened and in walked Daemon and Rhaenyra. Daemon had looked panicked and flustered, once he saw Jessica, he immediately relaxed.

"Father." Rhaenyra took Jessica's place at the bedside.

Jessica settle in her Father's chair closet to the Valyrian Model.

Jessica smiled over at them as Rhaenyra was showing off baby Aegon and Viserys.

Daemon and Jessica shared a knowing look before Daemon was called to his brothers side.

No sooner had the children been seen to the nursery, did Alicent enter the chamber. Daemon immediately had Jessica to his side.

"Princess Rhaenyra. Prince Daemon." Alicent's eyes met Jessica. She gave a soft smile. "Princess Jesscareya."

"Hmmm." Daemon settled into a chair, Rhaenyra and Jessica settling on either side of him.

Alicent smiled at the three of them. "It has been so long since we were granted the joy of your presence."

Daemon scoffed, though not long enough to merit a greeting upon our arrival.
Jessica quickly intervened. "I'm sure the Queen had pressing business, Uncle."

Daemon glanced up, taking her hand. It has been quite awhile since Jessica had addressed him as such. "Jessica, love," Daemon had emphasized the word, "why don't you go see to the nursery? Make sure the boys are settled."

Jessica gave a nod. "Of course." She leaned down and kissed his cheek. Rhaenyra gave her hand a squeeze. Jessica turned to Alicent, she gave a bow of her head. "Your Grace."

Jessica saw Aegon and Viserys settled down and they were soundly sleeping. The nannies assured her that the boys would be fine, and Jessica was about to see herself out and down to the library, when the door opened.

Two children came bouncing in with the nannies. Behind them, Helaena.

The girls locked eyes, before Helaena raced over and embraced her sister tightly.
Jessica held Helaena close. Helaena pulled back and looked at her. "I'm glad the letter reached you. I know Rhaenyra -"

Jessica interrupted. "I'm afraid they are trading blows with your mother at the moment."

"Glad to see the family back. Has Dragonstone seen you well."

Jessica smiled and nodded. "I've been better than ever."

"Good...good. Would you like a walk in the gardens?"

Jessica smiled, linking arms with her sister. "A walk in the gardens sounds fantastic."

Helaena and Jessica let the children be and headed out. The gardens hadn't changed and Jessica seemed to relax. The girls played catch-up, and ended up in the Godswood. The servants brought out cakes and berries and tea.

Once both sets of twins awoke, they were brought out, the four of them playing together.

"My children have got to be somewhere." Jessica heard a familiar voice enter the Godswood.

"They are toddlers with nannies, they couldn't have gotten far." Another male voice answered back.

As soon as the two men rounded the corner they froze. Jessica looked over to see Aegon and Aemond.

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