The Union of Aemond and Jessica

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When Jessica woke the next morning she was surprised to see Aegon already awake. He was staring up at the ceiling, his fingers gently rubbing up and down her spine.

Jessica shifted to look at him. "You're up."

Aegon pulled her up onto his chest, his thumb gently brushing her cheek. His voice was soft, almost broken. "I have to watch you marry him today."

Jessica sighed and leaned into his touch. "I know."

"Once. Aemond had to ask one time to marry you. And no questions asked, everyone practically started planning the damn thing on the spot! I begged Mother and Father for years to wed us. And...nothing absolutely nothing."

Jessica brushed the hair out of his eyes. "We still had Dorne to contend with at the time Aeg. Father was pushing for a political alliance."

"They would have sent you away and I'd never had seen you again." His arms locked around her.

She felt him begin to tease. It usually didn't take much convincing from Aegon. In fact he had bedded her nearly every morning she went to wake him up.

Jessica shook her head, stopping him. "We can't this morning..."

He looked at her, almost offended. "And pray, tell me why not? Why make me suffer anymore today?"

Jessica laid her head back down onto his chest. "Because I have a very, very tight schedule. I should be heading to a bath. I have to be dressed and then the travel to the Sept alone -"

Aegon's lips found hers, and he positioned her onto her back. "Don't deny me this morning Jess...please." his nose tickled hers. "Don't make me beg."

Jessica sighed, then pulled Aegon to her.

The carriage ride to the Spet was rather quiet. Jessica was fidgeting with the gown.

Rhaenyra finally reached over and took Jessica's hand.

"Jessica...anymore and you'll tear the dress, Sweet Girl."

Jessica kept her gaze on her lap. "I shouldn't be nervous. This is Aemond, My Aemond we're talking about."

Rhaenyra gave her hand a squeeze. "I was nervous when I married Laenor. And even more so when I wed Daemon."

Jessica looked over at her. "Do you believe he'll try something?"

Rhaenyra sighed. "It's hard to say. Daemon had a very determined look this morning."

Jessica sighed, and turned her gaze toward the window, praying she would be wrong and preparing to be right.

"Can you actually try to look happy brother." Aemond turned another page in his book. "If not for me, then for her."

Aegon scoffed, filling the wine glass.

"This will come to a shock to you, but I do love her. I always have, same as you."

Aegon sighed draining the cup in his hand.

"And not to add insult to injury, but your little morning rendezvous will be put to a stop as well." Another turn of the page.

Aegon dropped his cup. "No." He breathed. "No you cannot mean that. Aemond, brother...anything but that."

Aemond finally looked up at Aegon. "Oh but I do. You see, Jessica, my wife, will have responsibilities to me, her husband. She is done being your keeper, dear brother."

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