Death of King Viserys I

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Jessica finally roused from a deep sleep. Her body gave a stretch and then she went to nuzzle into Aemond for warmth. Her arm reached out to Aemond's side of the bed.

Aemond wasn't there.

Jessica's eyes fully opened, and she leaned up, wondering where her husband could have wondered off too.

Just as she let out a whimper, the chamber doors flew opened. Aemond came in with a grin that stretched ear to ear. Glass could be heard shattering.

Aemond came over to the bed removing what few layers he had thrown on and joined her in bed.

Aemond drew her in close, taking in her warmth. "Shhh My Love I'm right here, you weren't supposed to be awake yet."

Jessica nuzzled against him, content for a moment. Then the realization dawned on her. "Did you go to wake Aegon?"

Aemond said nothing as he placed little kisses along her collarbone and the hallow of her neck.

Jessica sighed. "He's going to be in a downright fit this morning."

"Let him." Aemond nipped at her bottom lip. "It is not your responsibility to be Aegon's keeper. He can see himself up and dressed at a respectable hour."

"And that leaves you too..." Jessica trailed off as Aemond's lips fell onto hers.

"That leaves me here to satisfy you each and every morning Princess."

And Jessica let him do just that.

Alicent paced. "We have to tell Jessica...privately."

Otto sighed, a quill twirled in his hand. "She will know when you tell the rest of your children."

Alicent was shaking her head. "You know she'll run immediately to Dragonstone. She'll run to Daemon."

Otto stood and paced. "I'm not so sure. Aemond has done admirably keeping Jessica glued to his side."

Alicent sighed. "It's Aemond. Jessica's always had a soft spot for him. It's the main reason why the match was so favorable."

"Funny," Otto gave a soft laugh. "Half the Red Keep could say the same thing about her and Aegon."

Otto shook his head. "I did tell Viserys during Aegon's second name day to wed the pair of them. The fool never did listen to me."

"Father." Alicent chided coldly.

Otto sighed and folded his hands. "We could send her to treat, to deliver terms. It's a short flight to Dragonstone, her and Starfyre could easily manage."

Alicent folded her arms. "Again, we would be delivering the only thing Daemon Targaryen covets at court right to him."

Alicent sighed. "Neither Rhaenyra nor Daemon will bend the knee. And if it comes down to killing them,  which I don't want...we might as well kill Jesscareya too."

Otto pointed a finger. "Not if we turn her. Fully commit her to our side."

Alicent side eyed him. "And pray tell me how we plan to do that?"

"We let Aegon take her to mistress. Jessica is about the only person Aegon would actually listen to. She can help ease him into becoming King."

Alicent looked appalled. "You want Jessica to forsake her own marriage vows. That not who she is Father."

"No. I want the boys to keep her favor here here at court where she belongs. At their sides."

Alicent shook her head and paced. "I've mothered that Sweet Girl since she was four years old. We do this...we're condemning her."

Otto stood and placed a hand on Alicent's shoulders. "We're not condemning Jesscareya. We're saving her."

Jessica had been summoned to her Father's chambers. Her mind had been playing scenarios over and over as to what her father could retire.

When she entered the chamber, someone It was quiet as a cript. No incense were burning, and the whole room was colder than it ever had been.

Alicent was standing near the model of Old Valyria. Her back was turned to her.

"Your Grace." Jessica called quietly to her. "Alicent."

Alicent turned to her, then crossed over to her, crushing her tightly. "Oh my Sweet Girl."

Jessica looked up at Alicent. "Something's happened, hasn't it?"

Alicent gave a nod cupping her face. Her thumb gently brushing her cheek. "I'm so sorry Sweet Girl."

"Where's Father? This room has never been so dark and cold."

Alicent hugged her close. "I'm so so sorry. Your Father passed in his sleep last night."

Jessica stiffened in Alicent's grasp. "No. He was just at the reception. It hasn't been a few weeks...No!"

Alicent ran a hand over her hair. "I'm so so sorry Sweet Girl."

Jessica jerked away from her grasp. She walked over to where her father used to sit and work on the Valyrian Model. She collapsed into the seat. Tears heavily staining her cheeks.

Time itself seemed to stop. Her gaze had centered on the model, her eyes taking the twists and turned of the intricate cobbled streets.

Her thoughts were only interrupted when someone knelt in front of her.

"Love..." Aemond pleaded quietly.

She didn't look at him.

Aemond sighed and took her hand. "My Love, it pains me too see you in such state."

Jessica glanced down at Aemond, then reached over and gently cupped his cheek.

Aemond turned his head and kissed her palm. He stood a moment later and scooped her up into his arms.

Jessica immediately curled into him and he took her out of the King's chambers.

Aemond had seen to Jessica being fed, and into a warm bath. When she returned to her chambers, she was surprised to find Aemond nowhere to be found.

On one of the small tables was a loosely wrapped package.

Jessica found a folded paper tucked into the string. Upon opening the paper, she saw a map with crude instructions.

Jessica untied the strings to find a simple work dress. She tossed off her current dress and dressed herself. She pulled the white cotton underdress on first. Then she fastened the pale blue sleeveless overdress. Finally, she secured the headpiece in her hair. It covered the majority of her silver Targaryen hair.

Jessica took the map and exited the chamber.

The map had her go to the second corridor, third door. Jessica hadn't been into this room. It looked standard. She walked over to the middle bookcase, second row, sixth book. She pulled...

The bookcase opened to reveal a door. Jessica smiled and headed in, locking things up behind her.

Jessica followed the passage down, the air became colder, realizing she  was heading outside.

Jessica froze when she saw a figure already there. It was male, and dressed in simple clothing, same as her.

He turned upon hearing Jessica's footsteps.

Aegon beamed and held out his hand. "Ready for some fun, Princess."

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