How Percy fell in love - Day 27

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Unlike Oliver Wood, the way Percy fell in love with him was more complicated. It took time for him to realize and process his feelings, seeing as he'd never considered that he would fall for his best friend.

The redhead fell in love with him mkre and more during their years together at Hogwarts. And one day he realized that these feelings he had might not have been a usual platonic friendship.

Sure, they did everything friends— even best friends would do. Then, one day, he noticed that some things they did wasn't something a lot of friends did.

Like how they would kiss eachothers foreheads, how they would sleep in the others bed then they felt like it or when they exchanged I love you's. Percy didn't think it was that strange until his brothers pointed it out.

"When are you and Oliver going to get together?" George asked curiously.

"Yeah, the romantic things you do in public has got everyong thinking you two are a couple," Fred agreed.

Percy scoffed, shaking his head. "What are you two talking about?" He asked. "Oliver is my friend"

The twins exchanged a look.

"Tell us, dear brother," Fred started.

"Do you say I love you to any other friends other than Oliver?" George continued.

"Or lean on anyone else's shoulder than Oliver when you're tired?" Fred said.

"Huh? Uh, no?" Percy replied. "I don't understand why I should"

"So, you're saying he's special?" Fred asked.

"Of course. Out of all my friends, he's one of my best friends— not to mention my roommate," The prefect answered immediately.  The twins facepalmed, shaking their heads in dissapointment.

"Okay, what about Penelope?" George asked. "She's your best friend too, right?"

"Yeah, she is, but it's not like I'm going to tell her I love her," Percy said. He thought this conversation was utterly pointless. "What are you trying to say?"

"That you're head over heels for Oliver, obviously!" Fred exclaimed. Percy froze. They think he loves Oliver in a romantic way? No way...right?

They were just friends, just like his other friends. Just like Angelina, Katie, Penelope.


Not like them. Oliver was— well, more. He didn't know if that made sense, but the quidditch player was closer to him than anyone else other that his family. But he didn't see Oliver as his brother, he finds that...strange. The thought of them being like brothers never once crossed his mind.

While his brain was trying to process, none other than Oliver Wood arrived. The redhead was surprised by a hug from behind.

"Percy, there you are!" Oliver said happily. "I was looking for you. The prefect meeting is over now, right?"

Percy nodded, and the brown-haired gryffindor noticed the twins. "Oh, hey Fred, George," Oliver greeted them.

"Hello," Both of them responded in a teasing matter, staring at Percy evilly. Percy glared at them.

"Oliver, thesd two morons are saying we act like a couple," Percy told him. "Tell them we don't like eachother like that". Oliver looked...almost hurt upon hearing those words.

"Oh," The keeper said quietly. "Come on, guys, Percy and I are just friends". They didn't seem convinced.

"Sure you are. George, Let's head off," Fred sighed.

"Yeah, seems like they have to be in denial for a bit longer," George agreed. They both ran off to probably pull a prank on a poor first year.

Percy glanced at Oliver, ans Oliver did the same. "You know what I said was a lie, right?" The quidditch player insisted. Percy tilted his head to the side him confusion. "You're not my friend, you're my best friend"

Percy's face spiked red at that. Oliver laugh, it was contagious. It was, really nice. He wanted to hear it more. The only problem was that, friends don't look at eachother the way the redhead looked at his roommate.

Shit, he's the one, isn't he?

That's what Percy thought in the moment. Fred and George might have been right.

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