A bad day

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Aria's Pov

I make my way inside the penthouse and Marco shows me where I'd be sleeping, luckily for the both of us we aren't sharing a room this time

I go in the bathroom and turn on the tub faucet to let the water run while I strip off my clothes. The plane ride was about 2 and a half hours then the ride to the penthouse was 45 minutes. I rushed to shower this morning but now I can finally have peace and quiet in the tub, I step inside the warm bubbly liquid and close my eyes as I sink in peacefully.

It wasn't even up to 10 minutes before I hear a loud knock on my door, so much for peace and quiet. I get up and wrap a towel around me, still aware of the water running down my body.

"What could I help you with now" I say as I open the door greeting Marco on the other side, his gaze trail down my half naked body before snapping his eyes up to meet mine

"I was going to make breakfast do you want some?" he clears his throat

"Well what do you think Marco, it's not like I've eaten anything since I woke up" I roll my eyes and hug the towel more tightly around me

"Drop the attitude, it was just a simple question for you to answer" he steps forward making me take a step back

"A stupid question you ruined my peace and quiet for, now if you'd excuse me I need to put on some clothes" I gesture towards the door and wait for him to leave.

I slip into a grey sweat pant and a dark grey long sleeve crop top that hugs my body then I put on my gold chain I wore when I got abducted by dickhead Marco.

As I step out the room, the smell of bacon and eggs engulfs me which reminded me of how hungry I am. I walk into the kitchen to see Marco towering over the stove, frying the eggs. He's wearing grey sweat pants like me and a black compression shirt that outlines his muscles and abs so well. He looks less annoying and bossy when he isn't in his usual suit outfit.

"Didn't know you could cook" I take a seat on the stool and rest my hands on the counter

"There's a lot you don't know about me" he replies without looking my way, I watch as he dishes the food but then break the silence again

"So when will I be going to get my things" he places the dish in front of me and my mouth waters, he made scrambled eggs with bacon and waffles.

"After the documents get signed" he says dryly

"Who is Lucas?" I stiffen at the sound of his name, memories from my last encounter with him flood my brain


"He's been blowing up your phone, threatening you in a way" he interrupts, that son of a bitch, I thought beating him up would get him from leaving me the fuck alone but I guess I have to kill him now

"He's my ex" my face drop to the thought that I even dated that filthy animal. He's the reason I got the bruise the night before I left Spain

"Why is he threatening you" he raises a brow, I swallow the food in my mouth before answering

"He's a psychotic animal who has attachment issues and can't seem to let me go, when I got sick and tired of it I held a dagger to his neck and threatened to kill him if he doesn't stop bothering me" I shrug, now that am saying it out loud it sounds like am the psychotic one

"So you just threaten him but not even block his number" he takes another bite of his food

"I did, but like I said he has very fucked up attachment issues  he probably used another number to message me, why are we still talking about this?" I sigh, there's no point in saying anything to him, what good is that going to do

"The meeting is at 10 tomorrow with the mafia, I'll also be down in the gym near the garage in 30 minutes so if you need anything you know where to find me" he says, clearly changing the topic

I feel a warm moist substance between my leg right before I have the fattest blood cloth come out of me causing me to jump out of my seat and rush into my bedroom and inside the bathroom, shutting it behind me

"Aria!" Marco yells after me, shit this can't be happening. I didn't pack any tampons with me because my period isn't supposed to start until next week. "Aria what the hell-" he says at the door

"Don't come in!" I panic. "Marco, pass me my bag. I need my bag" I say, I'll take a new underwear and wrap tissue around it, giving me time to go to the drug store and get some tampons. Marco knocks on the door to alert me he's holding the bag

"Am going to open the door now" he warns, I stand behind the door and get the bag from his extended hand poking through then shut it right after

"Can you tell me what the hell is happening" I can sense the panic in his voice, "Am fine, I just need a second" I continue wrapping the tissue around a pair of underwear

"I didn't ask if you were alright or not I asked what is happening" He grits between his teeth and I roll my eyes, luckily the blood didn't stain my sweats so I put it back on then open the door

"We need to go to the drug store, now" his face looks puzzled, his hair has already drooped down his face

"Why do we need to go to the drug store, I thought you said you were fine" his eyes search mine

"Marco there's no time for this right now okay let's just go" I walk out of the room and Marco follows as well, we get in a jeep in the garage and he drives off as the gate open

He pulls to a stop in the parking lot and I order him to get me the tampons, am afraid if I go in myself it's a matter of time before I start to bleed through my pants

"Wait wait wait you want me to get what?"

"Tampons for gods sake Marco tampons, just make sure you don't get the big size" I start shoving him out the car

"Hurry!"  I yell, I snort when I see him start doing a little run making his way inside the store

It takes him two minutes and he's out, he walks towards the car fast and hands me the bag before speeding off

I must say am a bit embarrassed with this whole situation but what can I do, shit happens.

I scurry off to the bathroom and do my business while he sits in the living room, there was also a bottle of pain killers in the bag so I used it and go out to meet him

"Thank you " I mutter

"Am sorry what was that? I didn't quite hear you" I roll my eyes, "don't let it get to you now" I take a sit on the couch and turn on the Tv, it's Ginny and Georgia time.


Happy readinggggggg, currently writing the next chapter. I know you guys are dying for spicy time but patience is key

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