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I got the tracker taken out of me yesterday which will make it only two days since we found out about it. Though I still haven't forgiven Marco about his behaviour that night and how he openly agreed to treating me like a lab rat. He decorated my room with flowers last night, made breakfast for me this morning in which of course I didn't eat.

And now we are still no where close to pin pointing Dimitri who seems like he knows more about us than we of him. Jade and Chaz left the country on a romantic getaway, Taylor and Ace went back to Spain to find hidden things about Dimitri, which leaves me and Marco alone in the house, a situation I'm not currently happy with.

Kim has been keeping me updated with work, usually comes by around one which is also an excuse to hang out with someone instead of Marco. He himself refuse to leave me alone in the house so instead he stays pre occupied in his office.

I'm currently situated in the living room, watching manifest waiting for Kim to arrive when I hear Marco descending from the stairs. He appears at the corner of my eyes standing still before he goes the opposite way towards the kitchen. I hear him open cabinets place down a cup, the rest of the movements become too quiet for me to make out so I return my attention back on the tv.

Heels meeting with the tiled floor informs me Kim is here and just on cue she appears before me. "You're late" I scold as she places her bag down on the centre table as takes sit across from me.

"By 5 minutes" she emphasizes, drawing out papers and placing it on the table. Marco comes into view as well which makes Kim stand up to hug him. I feel his gaze on me the entire time while my attention is anywhere but on his.

"Any good news to share today?" I ask they pull away from their hug and Marco makes his way towards the stairs.

"Partly, we've got a face on him which will make it easier for us to locate him when he leaves his hiding spot. We were thinking if you could ask Marco to talk to the police about running a facial recognition on their database maybe could help speed up the process" she shrugs, adjusting her glasses as she looks back up for my response.

"Why Marco why not me?"

"Well, he's the head of the mafia and has an alliance with them so it'd be better for a familiar face to ask"

"Great, I'm sure you can ask him then, I suppose you know where his office is" I clasp my hands together, placing them in my lap.

"You still haven't talked to him? He made breakfast and filled your room with flowers, I think he's definitely sorry" she insists and she crosses her legs and lean back on the couch

"Good, he should be. But that doesn't mean I should forgive him, he crossed a line when he dragged me out without notice of telling me I had to be practically naked, I mean do you have any idea how embarrassing it was to walk out of there feeling violated in every way" I stand up to make my way towards the kitchen and she stays on my trail

"Okay when you say it like that, I get what you mean but at least he's trying, Marco doesn't do relationships. In my years of knowing him, he's never brought a girlfriend to any family gathering. So just cut him some slack, he doesn't know anything about these type of things" she grabs the whisky bottle that was left on the counter by Marco and then pours it into the cups I place down

"But he knows more on how to give a girl pleasure" I roll my eyes, irritated at the thought of another girl in his bed

"I do not need to know about my cousin's sex life please and thank you, if it makes you feel any better about it, he didn't sleep with the same girl more than 3 times" her lips turn up to a nervous smile before she downs the liquid down her throat

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