The big day

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My eyes starts to flutter open, adjusting to the light and I stare into the air. Today, I'm getting married to the man I hate. Cute.

I get up from bed and make my way to the bathroom and stare into the mirror. Memories from last night starts to fade in, Marco kissing me, getting half naked and all but luckily I stopped it before it got too far.

A knock on the door jolts me awake from my daydream. "How's my soon to be daughter in law?" Emilia yells from the door and I walk out the bathroom to meet her

"Nervous" I lie, embracing her in.

"Don't worry, mija everything will be fine. Now come go shower and meet me downstairs with the makeup artist" she adds and I nod in response.

"Do you know where Marco is?" I blurt out, my mind wondering why he wasn't in bed when I woke up

"Isn't it bad luck to see the bride on the wedding day before the actual ceremony?" She cocks her head, yea that'd be true if this was an actual marriage.

Knowing him he'd probably wanna see me just for things to go wrong.

"True...well can you let him know I was looking for him?" She nods her head and shuts the door, leaving me to get ready.

❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

"You ready big girl?" Jade asks as I step out the car, looking upon the hall where the wedding is taking place. Mafia wedding are a bit different than the normal ones. It's not held at a church, neither do we have flower girls or boys. Although it would've been really cute.

We also have nosy reporters all around, black limos dropping off guests and the entire interior is black as well. Obviously I'm not wearing black but it's simply because am not wearing a dress.

"Too late to change my mind now" I shrug as I continue my steps, voices and flashes of cameras greet me as I walk in.

"Aria! Do you have anything to say about today!?"

"Aria is it true you are actually in love or is it just for the business!"

"The people want to know if you are truly in love with each other!"

"How did you guys meet!"

The voices get louder until the doors close behind me. My mom's standing in front of me, shocked I may add. "Mi look so beautiful" her eyes starts to glim and I hug her

"Mama please don't cry" I draw away from the hug and Taylor hands me the bouquet of black roses.

Taylor and Jade go in first in honour of being my bridesmaid, my mom hooks her arm into mine and we both step in, making everyone stand to look at us.

Sound of live slow music fills my ear as I walk slowly. My gaze locks with Marco's and I see his Adam apple bob up and down. My eyes are still fixated on him as I reach the officiant, unhooking my arm from my mom's and interlocking Marco's stretched hands with mine.

"Ladies and gentleman, we have gathered here today to join these two beautiful humans before our eyes. We've seen them grow from baby to toddler from toddler to teens and teens to young adults and from young adults to now." I tear my eyes away from Marco's to look at the crowd, am I supposed to start crying or something?

A tight squeeze from Marco makes me look back at him.

"Aria please say your vow" the officiant instructs.

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