Head on

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My visions get blurry as my eyes flutter open. I feel an arm circle my waist and I gently bring my hand under my pillow to pull out my dagger. I quickly spin around and straddle them, bringing the dagger up to their neck.

"Good morning to you too" Marco says with a sleepy smile as his hands fly up to my waist.

"Never touch me again." I say before withdrawing the blade back, it takes me a second to realize he's bare chested and my ass is laying on his lower abdomen.

"Get off then" he sheepishly smiles and I roll my eyes and throw my body off his

"Watch those eyes amore" he warns and I shoot him a look as I get off the bed

"Don't call me that" and he nods his head in response. I walk into the bathroom, taking notes on the shattered glasses on the way and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I look terrible.

I can't live like this, I need to set my head straight again. I quickly brush my teeth and and exit the bathroom, making my way into the closet.

I don't pay attention to Marco who's attention is fully on me. I quickly grab a sports bra and shorts and place them on the couch. I start to take off my shirt but then halt when I remember Marco's watching.

"Do you mind?" I raise my eyebrows and he smirks but gets up and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door.

I quickly slip into the clothing and charge down the stairs and into the gym. I don't bother to wrap my hands, I tie my hair up in a low ponytail and charge at the bag in front of me.

The punching bag moves with force with every punch I lay on it. My mind moves towards last night, the video and every one I care about watching it. My knuckles slam on the bag harder with every thought. How Lucas got what he wanted, to humiliate me.

I throw my other fist again but this time it gets stuck in the bag. The sand in the bag starts to spill out the moment I forced my hand back out.

"I think that was your cue to stop" I spin around and see Marco who has his back against the door. He's wearing a compression shirt that defines his muscles and abs well along side with a grey sweatpants.

"It's fine" I say as I wipe off the sweat on my forehead with a towel. I toss the towel back on the bench and make my way to another punching bag.

"I'd very much appreciate it if you don't make a hole in every punching bag I own" he takes himself off the wall and walks towards me.

"Bite me" I snap and continue slamming my knuckles on the bag

His hand flies up to catch mine but I instantly shrug it off with a slap. He tries again and grabs a hold of my upper arm before turning me to face him. My other hand shoot up and he catches it as well, I nod my head forward to bump his and he instantly recovers and charges back at me.

His hand meet with my cheek and I fall back on my ass. "Get up" he orders and I stand on my feet again only to get thrown back to the ground.

He's trying to get me pissed off and it's working. I slide my legs across the matted ground making him fall back and I immediately straddle him to start throwing punches at him.

He elbows me in the gut and throws a punch at me again, throwing my body off him. "Weak and pathetic" he spits and I charge at him again

I throw a kick at him which he catches and uses it to pull me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my waist. "You are getting too soft" he comments again and I throw a punch at his nose, making him loose grip of me .

I jump on him from behind and circle my arm around his neck, bringing him down. His both knees are on the floor as he struggles to break free but I circle my arm tighter around his neck and wrap my legs around his torso

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