His kiss

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  A slap on my face causes me to jolt awake. My arms are wrapped around Aria's waist and her ass is pressed against my groin. "Keep your hands to your self if you don't want it chopped off" she threatens in that sexy morning voice of hers

"I love it when you threaten me" I whisper loud enough for her to hear as I draw my hand back. She rolls off the bed only to land face flat on her face and she awkwardly walks to the bathroom, adjusting the thin Cotten material laid out like a small dress on her

The shirts drapes over her ass so perfectly, and her nipple poking out just sends the blood straight down to my cock. She immediately shuts the door as she notices me staring. I reach for my phone and send a text to Alex to call in an IT for my room. It doesn't even take him a second to reply and I get off the bed to start getting ready.

❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

The wedding's in two days but I can't risk letting the mole inside the hall. Alex comes out of my room with the IT and informs me that they've taken care of the rest of the bugs.

"Do we know who did this? Any finger prints left behind?" I question

"No not at all, but we'll do another sweep around the house just in case we missed-"

"Oh please you guys must've already known by now who the mole is, I mean it's been right under our nose this whole time" Aria interrupts as she walks down the hallway

We all give her a look which makes her roll her eyes. "Anna for crying out loud, why do u think she's always around? You cannot tell me Anna has never stepped foot in the room before" she comes to a halt and leans her back on the wall

"But Anna was Marco's fiancé before, it wouldn't be weird for her to stop by" Alex explains

"No, it wouldn't. That's why she's the perfect mole." I blurt out

"And I have just the plan to catch that bitch" Aria mutters as our gazes connect.

❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

"I knew there was something odd about her from the start" Aria mumbles as she paces around my office

"Can you sit the fuck down before she comes" I growl

I get an alert on my phone from one of the bodyguards informing me Anna's arrived and she's in side the house now. I nod to Aria to let her know as well and she returns it.

"You know I think we should attack the Russians now I mean the mole already knows what our plans are what if we just catch them off guard by attacking now instead of after the wedding" Aria explains

"But we don't have full power over two mafia's unless we are actually married" I cross my legs and lean back into my chair

"Yes but I'm sure we can talk to my dad about it, I mean this is the real reason why we are getting married so might as well just set ourself up for success" she shrugs and I slowly get up from my chair and walk around the desk

"Alright, I'll set a meeting up to meet him right now. When should we attack?" I slowly make my towards the door to stand by it

"On the day of our wedding, they wouldn't expect that" she says, and that was my queue to quickly open the door, making Anna fall inside.

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