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                                      !⚠️Sexual assault⚠️!
    Sweat is dripping down my face, wrist is heavily bruised from the strap of the chains and so is my neck from the choking and torture they caused. My leg is still bleeding and I'm afraid I'm loosing too much blood. My lip is busted from the punches thrown at me and I probably have a black eye.

But I wont break.

I haven't eaten in almost two days now and I'm so tired, Can they just kill me already and get it over with?

I peel at the door to see two men coming through it and I sigh again, knowing what's next again

"God just kill me already, how many times do I have to tell you guys that I'm not saying shit!" I cry out

"Grab her and don't let go" someone says behind them, I force my head to the side to get a better look of who it was but I finally see who it is when the men come to my side


"What the fuck are you doing here" I ask him, the men grip my hand and stretch it out, holding it in place

"Now that's no way to speak to me when I have you at my mercy now is it?" He smiles

"I am going to kill you! You're working with them?!" I yell out

" No, they're working for me" my blood runs cold, no. Not again. I-I dated this monster, I let him stick his tongue down my throat only to find out he's the one that has been in charge of all this

I can't even be mad anymore, I'm just so tired and I want to sleep.

He comes closer to me and lowers him self to my level. I shoot my none bleeding leg up to kick his face and he inhales sharply. He forcefully grabs a hold of both legs and forces them apart.

"W-what are you doing" I panic as his hands starts to trail up my leg

"The last time we met I told you, I can touch whoever I want whenever I want" he stops and looks up to me " and what I want is you" he grabs the top of my pants and drags it all the way down and tosses it away

"L-Lucas stop w-what the hell are you doing"my voice breaks as I struggle to break free but the men keep the grip on my arm tight. I start to throw my legs to stop him from coming any closer but he grips them and holds them down to the floor with his knees

He rips my shirt off me and used it as a rope to tie my legs together, I try to kick out but it's no use. He lifts my leg up and puts his head in between my legs and I start squirming and pushing and screaming. Panic raises up in the air as he pushes his head down uses his teeth to tear my Lacey underwear off

"Well would you look at that, she even put on a lingerie for me" he says and the men laugh

"Lucas! S-stop p-please! Don't do this please!" I cry out, am extremely vulnerable to anyone in this room right now. Weak. Pathetic. Helpless.

"Shhh baby don't worry you'll love it"his hand finds my bra and he rips it off my body, exposing my bare chest to the two men

"Stop! Please! P-please!" Tears start to spill from my eyes as I start to sob out

I squirm around a bit and try to attempt breaking free from the knot that is tied around my ankle but it's no use

This cannot be happening

His finger pushes inside me and yell out in pain, his other hand finds my nipple and he squeezes it hard making me cry out more

He pushes another finger in me and I do what I didn't know I was capable of doing. Beg.

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