Hung over?

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⚠️Violence ⚠️

   I rub my eyes as I sit up on the bed. I wouldn't lie and say my head isn't pounding right now but it's not anything I haven't handled before. I look around more only to see my bra tossed onto the couch, alarm blazed in side of me as I peel the covers open to check if I was naked

Which I wasn't. But the only thing I am wearing is Marco's T shirt which makes me jump out of bed and run inside the bathroom to see if I have any hickeys or anything on me

I sigh noticing nothing and I turn back around and step into the room just to find Marco holding up my bra

"It wouldn't fit you" I run my hands through my hair

"Funny, those were similar words you said to me last night" he gestures to the bed and my face runs cold


"Tell me we didn't" I glare and he holds his stare for a second before slipping up into a sluggish smile

"You should've seen the look on your face" he laughs and continues "brought you water and Tylenol, should help with your headache"

"That wasn't even a bit funny" I mutter loud enough for him to hear as I walk to the bedside table to take the pill

"It was to me" he grins lazily and I roll my eyes, drinking the water

"It's time we take care of Anna before we leave for Russia, so what do you say Mrs Alessandro, will you do the honours to making it be her last most painful day on earth?" His smile grows wider and to be honest I think I actually like him calling me that

Shut up.

"I thought you'd never ask" I smile back as I put down the glass cup

❥ ❥ ❥ ❥

I step inside the cemented room to see Anna, hands tied between her back and a rope tied around her neck and hung from the ceiling like an animal. Sweat dripping down her forehead along side with a busted lip.

I fully take pleasure in just looking at how much pain and agony she's in, bitch pisses me the fuck off.

"You know I've always dreamt of this day ever since I met you" my lips turn up to a smile and she whips her body with all the strength from her toes that are barely touching the ground.

"L-l look I already told you I'm n-not saying anything-"

"No you told the men not me because I'll make you talk" I inch closer to her and she moves her toes away in opposite way

"Not scared now are we ?" I chuckle and continue "you are going to pay for everything, and you know what it costs ? Your life" I watch as her nose flares, her eyes start to dart everywhere but me

"So I don't care if you talk or not, either way you aren't getting out of this alive" I turn back to the door and open it, signalling for the men to bring in my tools that I need.

They place it down without word and one of them has placed a stool in front of Anna for me to sit. I turn back to the open door to see Marco leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

His eyes darken as they find mine, watching my every move. The rest of the men leave and I sit on the stool to face Anna, aware that Marco's still standing there.

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