'Long time no see, husband'

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"Hello wife" He says in my ear, acknowledging the fact that we're still married. Right, forgot about that part. His hand tightens around mine as our body move in sync and I let out a huff.

"Don't you dare call me that" I respond, I knew it was only a matter of time before he recognized me but I didn't know it'd be this quick

"I mean you are still my wife whether you like it or not-"

"Yeah pardon me for not popping by for a divorce right after you killed my mother" I interrupt and he takes a deep breath

"I didn't kill her, love" he pushes his head back to look me in the eyes while I roll mine

"Spare me the denial Marco, everyone saw you so don't think you can lie your way out" I say before drawing away from him and walking to get a drink.

I still feel his eyes on my back as I drop the glass back on the tray and start to walk into a passage way, luring him away from the rest of the crowd.

I keep walking straight, knowing he's tailing me and I take a right and press my back on the wall. My hand skims down to my dagger and I pull it out, waiting for him to come to sight before I strike.

His shadow grows larger each step he takes and he swiftly turns right to point a gun at my head. He shoots up one eyebrow to show he's won but I smile and glance down, showing him my dagger pointed at his crotch.

In one motion his hand flies down to grab a hold of mine right before he flips me over making me land on the floor.

"Always loved you in black anyways" he comments on my dress which has now moved from covering my thighs.

I immediately get up to throw a punch at him which he blocks but I use my other hand which is occupied by the dagger to slice his upper arm.

"I loved this tux" he whines as he strikes at me again which I doge to kick him in his abdomen making him stumble back. I use this chance and pounce on him, crossing my legs around his neck before pressing my back on his front to flip him over.

He lands on his back, loosing hold of his gun. I put my legs on either of his sides and start throwing punches at his face. His arm slaps mine away right before he sits upright, making my legs spread around his torso and my back pressed on his legs.

A girl comes out the bathroom to see us in this position and our attention focuses on her. I let out a nervous laugh as she eyes us down right before her gaze drops to the gun and she doesn't think twice to waste a second there.

"What a nice position to be in" Marco sneers and my eyes snap back to him looking at my lower region. I attempt to throw my leg over making me backflip but his hand holds my thighs down.

He pins my arm above me the moment he lets go of my thighs and he removes his leg from under me, leaning over me. His face goes closer to mine and I immediately bump his head with mine, pushing him away from me as well.

His gaze goes on the gun and I immediately get on my feet, rushing to get to it before him. He's on his feet in no time but I kick the gun away before he reaches it and I slam him on the wall, pressing another dagger on his neck.

"You sure do know how to turn me on" he remarks and I scoff. A metal being tossed on the floor makes us break eye contact only for us to realize it's a grenade.

We share a quick glance before he pushes me off and pulls me inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. The loud bang causes ringing in my ear and I'm currently pinned on the wall with Marco's body bracing me from the impact.

Only takes some seconds before the ringing stops and we're back to reality.

"Get off me" I push him off and glare at him.

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