The video

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"Because I know who killed your mother"

She looks at me cautiously, waiting for me to say something but I look around more to analyze a way to get out of here

"You're lying, you'd say anything to get yourself out this mess" she scoffs as she stands from the stool and make her way to the entrance

"I told you it wouldn't make sense but it's the truth" I blurt out again but she doesn't turn back, instead she keeps on walking out, locking the cell.

"Dimitri" I call out and she freezes, she looks to the side as if hiding something from me. I watch her gently as her eyes meet mine and I catch something there, fear.

She knows that name from somewhere and she fears him. Aria is never scared of anything, not even death so who ever he is has done something to her to make her react like that.

She turns her back to me and walks away without a word, leaving me here alone without supervision.

A very big mistake.

Hearing his name sent goosebumps down my back. I can't show weakness...fear I can't let him win before the game even starts. I control my breathing as I walk up the stairs, towards my room.

I've heard that name before but where ?

My hands draw to the back of the dress, struggling to take it off as I think about why that name sounds familiar.

This is hopeless, I should cut the dress because there's no way I can slip out of this.

A hand tangled into mine that feels familiar and it zips down the dress.

"You're welcome" Rio whispers and I turn around to face him. I don't waste time to latch my lips onto his, making him let out a groan

Rio is one of the men I fuck on Tuesday night which I totally forgot it was.

I push him on the bed and tell him to wait as I walk into my bathroom and shut the door behind me.

A gun shot makes me stop nurturing the wound caused by Marco and I bolt out only to see a bullet in Rio's head.

I turn to the opposite direction to see Marco with a gun in his hands

"Are you kidding me right now!, how the hell did you get out of the cell?" I cross my arms, my head fuming. He hasn't been here for more than an hour and he's already brought death on someone else

"This is what you've been doing these past years?" He asks, ignoring my question gesturing to Rio

"Yes, plenty of it and I loved it" I pause, turning to Rio's dead body on my bed "He was one of my favourite"

"Too bad he's dead" he adds on and I look at him

"Careful now, if I didn't know better I'd say you sound jealous" I raise a brow making him scoff

"Why are you here Marco" I step towards him

"You brought me here and I didn't really have a choice now did I ?" I stop in front of him, looking up at him

"No that's not what I asked, you obviously knew I was going to be there tonight, you knew I was going to kill you but my question is why did you still come ?" His eye searches mine as I do the same, a twinkle of light in his eyes as silence fills the room

"I didn't kill your mother Aria, I saw the way you looked at me the last time we met, with so much hate in your eyes over something I didn't do" he responds and then continues

"Who is Dimitri" he asks and for some reason I flinch at the sound of the name, it bothers me that I know nothing about the man that killed my mother but something tells me he knows everything about me

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