Let the game begin

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"The men will be landing in 2 hours, we have just 2 days to end this war before it even starts so we have to be at the top of our game" Marco announces as we walk into the hotel we'd be staying.

He walks to the receptionist who gives him 4 key cards. He obviously doesn't want the Russians to know we're here so I'm guessing that's why we're staying at the hotel.

"These are for you, freshen up and we'll all meet in the private lounge in an hour and do not waste my time" he orders giving ace and chad a key card. He turns to me and gives me one as well which catches me off guard.

"We're not sleeping in the same room?" My voice coming out more alarming than ever which makes everyone look at me in confusion

"I think I might actually enjoy this trip more than ever" I smile, everyone walking away leaving only me and Marco

"We only shared a room back in Italy because I didn't trust you, now we're in enemy's territory and I'm the closest thing you have to an ally so why keep you under my watch?" He shrugs

"So you trust me?" I raise my brows

"Not even a bit" he glares, the bellboy interrupts with needing information about where to put our bags which are on the rack. Marco shows him a receipt of some sort and then turns to me

"Don't be late"

"When am I ever" I roll my eyes, walking away.

I take the elevator up to my floor and see Marco on the other end, walking out the elevator as well. I step out and walk down the hallway and stop at my room and look at him again. He looks to me and smiles, our rooms are right beside each other.

So much for allies.

I scoff and swipe my card in the slit on the door, realizing there's no handle. The door opens and I walk in, closing the door behind me. At least there's a handle on this side.

I walk in the master suite and throw myself on the bed. I kick off my stilettos and walk inside the bathroom. I fill the tub with warm bubbly water and start to strip before I hear a knock on my door.

I walk into the room and press down the intercom, "yes ?" I question.

"Mrs Aria ? I'm Luke, the bell boy. I'm here to drop your bags" he says in a thick Russian accent. I quickly grab a robe and wrap it around my body before opening the door.

"Hi, you can drop them over there thanks" he smiles at me and pushes the rack inside, unloading them on the tiled floor.

"Let me know if you need anything else, I'm only one buzz away or whatever you Americans say" he chuckles, who's going to tell him I'm not American? But I play along with it either way

"I definitely will" I hold the door open for him to leave before I close it again. I untie the knot from the robe and toss it on the bed, making my way to the tub.

Don't be late. Don't be late I told her but no, she just always has to find a way to defy my orders. I leave the rest of the group and make my way to her suite. Luckily I have a master key card to all our rooms so I swipe it on the door, making it open.

I push the door open to and walk in more, the bedroom is empty but a robe is on the bed. I walk inside the bathroom to see her in the tub. Eyes closed, resting peacefully.

I walk quietly behind her and push her head down inside the water. Her arms stretch out in alarm as she starts to fight free. I pull her ponytail up, bringing her back to the surface

"What the hell! How did you even get in here?" She coughs out

"Do you know what time it is ? What the fuck are you doing up here when I told you not to be late" she wipes the water off her face to see the time clearly

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