Chapter 19: never sure

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Scared I had no one because I couldn't tell Ezra everything that was going on quite yet. I wanted to but I'm scared. when I woke up I was in a car just got off the plane and was heading home. I was finally to ezras apartment. I ran upstairs before Ezra did because he was getting the bags. It was about 4:00 pm. I ran up the stairs and saw a big basket that said "it's a boy." I heard Ezra coming up the stairs and I had to act fast. I placed the basket out side of the apartment at the end of the halls door so Ezra wouldn't notice. As I unlocked the door Ezra set down our bags and I got another text. "Like babies lies grow bigger then they start talking. When will you? -A." I decided I'd tell Ezra but right before I could say anything I felt his warm arms wrapped around my waist. Swaying me back and forth. he kissed my neck softly. Until I let go of the embrace and asked if I could use his keys. He asked if I was okay I nodded and walked out. I grabbed the basket at the end of the hall ran to the car threw it in the back seat and called the girls.

joining wasn't as easy as I thought. Because the more answers I want the more anwsers I need to find for A. I was unsure of my standings with Spencer. But I knew what was next in our relationship. The end. The thought hurt. But I can get over it. I think..

Arias been acting strange. I'm unaware of why. She seems jumpy and distant but also happy and scared I don't know. She's been sick lately I've noticed. She thinks I don't feel her sneak from the bed in the morning but I do and i know she's been getting sick in the morning.

Emily's POV:
Paige happened to be back in town for awhile. Last time I saw her we decided we'd take a break. She responded and asked to meet for lunch later that was awkward for awhile until we became comfortable with eachother again. We talked about our lives and I was hesitant to speak about A. What happened recently anyways. She eased me into it. she talked me through it. It was rough to talk about. She was there for me just like she once was. She asked about my personal life relationship wise and I told her I wasn't sure because I wasn't sure about Ali...

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