Rouen Train station, August 2nd 2022

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Pierre hadn't been lying when he said his mom would love me, but I had also never seen a mother more excited to see her son. When we stepped off the train I spotted a woman with a megawatt smile and a big sign which read, "Happy Break Pierre! Mon Petit Renard!" He chuckled softly and met my gaze. I found warmth in his eyes that could only be explained by the feeling of home. Pierre embraced his mother then she turned her gaze to me.

"Mon garçon, elle est magnifique!" She grabbed me next and pulled me into a tight hug. My muscles froze at the initial contact but I was able to shake the discomfort and briefly return the embrace.

"Je m'appelle Evangeline, enchantée. merci de m'avoir accueilli dans ta famille."

"And she...tries to speak french! I love her already." Linking arms with her son, she offered the other to me. Politely I held my bag tightly and she understood my gesture. "Okay, we are going to spend a few days at the country house, then head to Greece where we finish the holiday before you have to be in Monaco for the sponsor event." Hearing the way Pierre's mother spoke, I got the sense that she had experience being a parent/manager as well.

"Yes mama, sounds like you have the whole break planned." He chuckled and we walked to her car. Pierre steered his mother away from the driver's side door and took the wheel. Muttering something about control and a driver never sitting in the passenger seat. The city was beautiful, we passed through Rouen quickly and began into the countryside. Pierre's mother gripped the handle as her son sped quickly down the streets. When we arrived at the Gasly residence, my breath was taken from me. There were four boys standing on the steps and were waving dramatically. He put the car in park and the boys who I could only assume were Pierre's brothers came over to help with the bags. They crowded the driver's door and pulled him out by the arms. There was yelling and lots of hugs. Then the boys noticed me. Their jaws hit the floor and I couldn't help but smile.

"Is that..."

"Evangeline Hamilton?" They yelled in unison.

"Fact, she was born in Stevenage." One chirped,

"Fact, she's twelve years younger than her seven time world champion brother," another added.

"Fact, her debut EP topped at number five on the global charts."

"Fact, you all should shut up before you make her angry." Pierre intervened and shot a wary look in my direction. "I'm sorry, this is a game they came up with just to just yell facts at each other." He grabbed my bag from the trunk and began to walk inside the house. Then as if they couldn't control themselves, more questions started pouring from Pierre's brothers. He inevitably had to clarify that: no we weren't dating, no they couldn't post pictures of me or tell any of their friends I was here, yes I would be staying and I wasn't to be bothered. They seemed satisfied with those answers but still stared like I was an exhibit on display. From their conversation I was able to gather that their names were: Nicolas, Cyril, Phillipe and Paul.

"Is that all you have darling?" She nodded at the bag Pierre had set in the entryway. I nodded and Gasly's mom looked genuinely concerned.

"Honey honey, no this won't do. You must come shopping with me." I made eye contact with Pierre and he shrugged, a ghost of a smirk played on his lips.

"I told you she's never had a daughter." He said innocently and I looked back at Mrs. Gasly. In her eyes was the same warmth I had seen when she looked at her own sons. With a contented sigh I finally decided,

"I would love to." She took my hands and smiled,

"Let me grab my purse and we will go. It's only a twenty minute walk to town, or we can drive?"

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