Japan, October 5th 2022

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I had stayed in London a few days longer than planned, but I couldn't avoid my problems forever. Lando had called every night trying to apologize, and I reassured my friend that I hadn't left Singapore because of him. Lewis insisted on picking me up from the airport and he had brought George with him. There were tons of cameras waiting as I exited the sliding doors and my mercedes chauffeurs jumped out immediately. I met George's eyes and found light in them which I returned with a warm smile. He hurried over and embraced me quickly before taking my bag.

"Hey there superstar!" My brother yelled out the door and moved to open the trunk. Once we were safely in the car, out of view from the lenses I finally was able to take a breath. "Well, those shows really shot you forward huh." Lewis adjusted his glasses and sighed.

"I guess, I didn't realize it would be like this." A small smile lit my face.

"Well your return to the paddock has certainly sparked some rumors." George spoke from the front seat. "Eva I'm sorry about how the situation with Carmen went, I wish I would've handled that differently."

"George, you don't owe me an apology, if anything I owe you one for the song." Both boys went silent.

"Um...Eva...May called while you were on the plane. Apparently people have been picking the song apart and they don't think it's about me." George trailed off and my breathing began to quicken.

"What do you mean?" I spared a glance at Lewis who seemed totally fine just listening to the conversation.

"Well, May sent some pictures from gossip sites about the theory that you had another relationship and that you and I really were just friends...and now people are starting to dig." I took a shaky breath and Lewis began to speak also,

"We don't have to worry about them finding anything though...right?" I met my brother's gaze in the rearview mirror and something inside me cracked.

How could I have thought this would be a good idea? How could I have not told him?

"Right! I haven't done anything wrong, so let them look." Leaning back, I ran a hand through my hair and waited for someone to say something

Not a lie...not the truth though.

I leaned my head against the cool glass and let the conversation between the drivers lull me to sleep. 


Greece, August 12th 2022

 "Stop! Stop!" I laughed loudly as Pierre drove through the hills. He hummed along to the tune then began yelling the lyrics again,

"I'm sorry not all of us can be amazing singers." The gleam in his gaze made my heart flutter.

I had spent the night in his room again. The sun streamed through the curtains and I woke to the sound of laughter in the kitchen. Stretching slowly, my arm ran into skin...it was Pierre. I opened my eyes only a bit and he already had his eyes trained on me. My breath hitched,

"Are you watching me sleep?" He smiled softly and rolled his eyes.

"No...you almost punching me in the face kind of woke me up." I laughed along with him,

"Still creepy." He smiled at me again and hugged me a little tighter.

"My mom's making breakfast and wants to know what we want?"

"She knows I'm here?"

"She never said that outright...but I think she has an idea. She's always been a bit psychic." I looked him in the eyes and a smirk sprung to his lips. He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss then sprung up to pull on sweatpants. Even though it was only a few seconds, my stomach was still sent spinning. He shot one more look at me and hurried back over to where I laid, leaned in and gave me one more quick kiss before heading towards the door.

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