Greece, August 10th 2022

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I woke up to an empty room. Sunlight was streaming in, and voices floated up to the room. I could barely make out what Pascale was saying.

"Everything okay?" Then there was a response, it was Pierre.

"She's still sleeping." They lowered the volume even more. The events of last night unfolded in my head like a painful movie. Deciding it was time to face what happened in the darkness, I quickly changed and stepped out into the hallway. Walking down the stairs, their conversation quickly halted.

"Eva? We have some coffee if you want anything?" Pascale called. I rounded the corner and my gaze immediately connected with his. He stood there in the morning light, a loose shirt and tousled hair indicating he hadn't been up too long. Thinking back, I expected to find pity or judgment but once again, Pierre Gasly defied my expectations. I nodded slowly and Pascale shot into working on my mug of coffee. I left the kitchen, taking my journal with me, in favor of sitting out in the morning sun. He had fallen asleep before I was able to but he stayed down by the foot of the bed. He hadn't tried to move closer, he'd let me have my space and I was grateful for that. The sound of the door closing caused me to turn. Pierre was standing with a blue ceramic mug and a soft smile on his face. Without thinking, I moved to make room next to me on the chair and he filled it. Our shoulders brushed, and a feeling of familiarity washed over me. We both leaned back into the cushions and he handed me the mug. Silence stayed between us until the words bubbled up so quickly I couldn't hold them back,

"Thank you...for last night." I looked away from him quickly, then went back to my drink.

"No need to thank me, I wasn't going to let you deal with it alone." I watched something flicker in his eyes as he inhaled, "my panic attacks became almost unbearable after Anthoine. Every time I saw the car it felt like I was paralyzed. Climbing into that car the next day may have been the most terrifying thing I had ever done." I wanted to say something, comfort him like he had done so easily for me. But, I couldn't find the words. So, I reached for his hand instinctively but froze an inch away. His eyes flashed to my book stashed between the cushions. I should have known not to get in a reflex battle with a Formula 1 racing driver. Pierre grabbed my book with ease. He flipped to a page and began reading the words written in my fervent scrawl. I watched as his brow furrowed. "Why does this one have an asterisk and my..." I took the sound of his voice fading as realization. He was distracted so I reached and latched onto the book. The muscles in his forearm flexed as he held tight and we ended up face to face. The breath caught in my throat and he smirked, eyes flicking from mine towards the door as he let out an exasperated groan.

"Pierre! Mom said Tost is on the line for you." Gasly stood quickly and headed for the door. I slumped against the couch and leaned my head back letting it sink into the cushion.

What was I doing?

I heard my phone buzz next to me and saw Lando's picture light up the screen.


"You sound surprised to hear from me," I could hear the grin in his voice.

"Well last I saw, you were jetting around being a DJ on airplanes."

"You know, where is my best friend right now?" There was a note of suspicion in his voice.


"I'm sitting in my flat right now actually. Where are you?" The line went silent for a second, then a text came through from Lando. He was seated on my couch, smiling, and my heart dropped.

"Did you get my photo?" He paused, "I'm taking your silence as a I'm going to ask again...where in the world is my best friend right now." I understood his concern, the last time I disappeared, he had to find out I was in rehab from Lewis. "Please Eva...just tell me the truth. Whatever it is, wherever you are." I took in a breath and looked towards the house. It had large floor to ceiling windows facing towards the sea. Gasly was seated at the table with his computer and I locked gazes with the frenchman. His eyes went wide, pointing at the screen, he mouthed blah, blah, blah with a wide grin.

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