The Universe's POV Pt. 2

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Pierre, Charles, Esteban and Anthoine filed into a Monegasque club while on break from their respective 2018 seasons. The music thrummed as the boys found the VIP section and ordered drinks to start the night. Pierre was standing by the rail which overlooked the dance floor when a familiar British voice filled the speakers.

"Hello Monaco!" Lewis shouted from the DJ's box. The crowd went crazy and instinctually Pierre began scanning. Eva was squished between bodies at the bar as she listened to her brother speak. The sequins on her top rubbed as the group took tequila shots. She was celebrating with Lando as he was just announced to be making the jump from GP2 to Formula 1.

"Hey!" Lando shouted over the music. "Is that Pierre Gasly?" Her friend gestured up towards the VIP box. He stood there with his forearms resting on the banister as his eyes scanned the crowd. Their gazes locked and a burst of heat exploded in Eva's stomach. Pierre slowly raised his glass towards her as she imitated the gesture with her freshly filled tequila shot. With a nod, they both downed their respective drinks and smiled. Suddenly Charles appeared at Pierre's side and he turned to look at his friend. They exchanged a few words and when Pierre glanced back at the dance floor, Eva was gone. The night continued in a blur of bodies and music until finally Eva and Pierre came face to face in the crowd.

"Your brother is pretty good at this stuff." Pierre shouted over the music.

"Yeah, he loves it!" Her sentences were already starting to blend together. "Y'know I am about to release a single. It's kinda been a surreal experience." She had a far away look in her eyes.

"Really...I didn't know you could sing."

"Yeah, I don't know if anyone will even lik–" Suddenly she was being shoved from behind and she fell into Pierre. He was quick to react though, and Pierre's hands grabbed Eva's forearms to steady her. "Wow, you're strong." She said with a grin.

"Thanks Hamilton."

"I'm gonna go grab another drink!" She shouted and without waiting for his answer, ran off to the bar. He watched as she left but was jolted by someone grabbing his shoulders, it was Charles.

"Dude, Esteban is puking outside. Anthoine is with him but we should probably go." Pierre paused for a moment and thought about Eva. However his concern for Esteban won out and he allowed Charles to pull him towards the exit. With one last glance he searched for her. Pierre spotted Eva laughing with Lando by the bar and he couldn't help but think how beautiful it was when she smiled.

When the season got suspended in 2020, Pierre went to live with Charles in his Monaco apartment. The boys worked hard to fill their days and as Charles cooked lunch, Pierre was stuck scrolling through social media.

"Mate what are you looking at?" Charles creeped up behind Pierre and glanced over his friend's shoulder. He found Pierre months deep in the account of, "Evangeline Hamilton...really mate?" Pierre flinched at the volume of Charles's voice.

"I– I just was listening to one of her songs man and got to thinking..."

"Oh spare me! As if you haven't been thinking of Evangeline Hamilton for over TEN YEARS."

"Now that is not true Charles I–"

"Mate, ever since Le Mans you've liked her!"

"I've had–"

"Yes I know you've had girlfriends and girl...whatever they are's...but there has been ONE constant."

"Eva." Both boys spoke in unison. Pierre laid his head back on the pillow.

"Dude, are you gonna ask her out finally?" Charles put the pot back on the stove.

"Yeah that's never going to happen." Pierre scoffed.

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