Monza, Race Day

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Watching Daniel up on the podium made my heart swell with happiness for my friend. It had been agonizing watching the race unfold for Lewis and George, but they had seemed about as happy as anyone could be for their respective finishes. They had left quickly to start getting ready for the drivers' party tonight but I elected to stick around and watch Daniel up on the podium.

 Pierre had won.

He seemed to almost be glowing. His smile set the air on fire and I felt a tug deep down. Trying to avoid this exact feeling, I had elected to stay in the garage when they pulled up to their spots, a choice I now slightly regretted. Spotting Lando in the crowd, I hoped that my best friend didn't see the double motives behind my smile. After the podium, I found Lando wandering from the McLaren garage with an unreadable expression clouding his face.

"Hey Lan, everything okay?" He quickly put on a smile and nodded.

"Yeah! Just very excited to go get drunk." We walked side by side in silence for a bit. When I couldn't take it anymore, I shoved the driver with my shoulder and he finally cracked a smile.

 The drive back was filled with Daniel recounting the entire race lap by lap. Lando and I smiled at every dramatic flourish in the Australian's story until we arrived at my temporary house. Both Daniel and Lando had the idea to pack a bag so we could go to the party immediately. I reached for the door handle, but heard the distinct click of a lock. Looking at my friends, Daniel looked just as shocked, but Lando wore a grim expression.

"Eva..." settling into my seat, I took a steadying breath.

"Yes Lan."

"So, Daniel and I had an interview with Sky Sports yesterday." I nodded, remembering them mention something about it briefly.

"She was pressing us for information about you and George." His face didn't match the words he was saying.

This didn't seem so bad.

"That's what we want right? To have them talking?"

"Then she brought up Gasly." My face fell immediately. He must have seen the shift because he quickly added, "we didn't give her anything. But, it was close. Way too close." I glanced at Daniel but he had seemingly found something outside the window which was more interesting.

"Was it because I said he was a friend? I just said that to get the reporters off my back Lan. You know how they are." I was lying and he knew it.

"Eva! I need you to cut the shit with me. I can't help if you don't tell me the truth." His eyes pleaded with me. "Everybody thinks you and George are together, and if there's even a breath of you cheating on could ruin you."

"You're sounding a lot like May." There was an edge to my voice that I had never used with Lando before and Daniel shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "No one suspects me of 'cheating' with you. Or Daniel. I haven't even been alone with Pierre-"

"After the Drivers' party in the Netherlands?"

"After you all left me? There's nothing confirming that was him. So it doesn't even count." Lando massaged the crease that had formed between his brows.

"Look, Eva...I just don't want you to get hurt again. He's not good for you." The reality smacked into me like a semi-truck.

My best friend would never support this.

"I appreciate you Lando and I understand you're just looking out for me. But things with Gasly are strictly platonic. We have to be able to coexist. I refuse to be a blubbering, anxious mess for the rest of the season. This way is just easier." He seemed to be processing my words and began to nod slowly. The door clicked and Daniel broke the silence.

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