Monza, September 6th 2022

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Upon our landing in Monza my phone immediately started ringing.

"Is it May?" Lewis asked. Nodding, I put the phone to my ear. On the plane, I had to endure a similar round of questioning that Lando put me through. George apologized for his night with Carmen but I assured him that it made me happy that they had a good time. Lewis also apologized for falling asleep before I got back. May wanted to talk to us all, so I put the phone on speaker.

"Okay, so we are going to have to ramp up our appearances. Just until these talks go down."

Jumping right to the point.

She was in planning mode so I knew better to question her. "George, you cannot be seen with Carmen this week okay? Honestly, why was she even at the party last night?"

"May, I don't know, we've been trying to figure that out."

"If you guys want to try again with her, I don't want this to stand in the way!" Finally speaking up and they both went silent. "All I'm saying is, it's not fair to ask you to keep doing this, when you have her right there."

"Eva, Carmen and I...we had a good conversation but there was no discussion about getting back together. Honestly, I think it's better if we keep going." I couldn't place what he was feeling in his tone but I just nodded.

"Okay amazing so we are all on the same page. First, Wednesday night you have all been invited to an event thrown by the Ferrari since this is their home race. So you will go have fun, see your friends, and smile for the cameras."

Smile. Laugh. Repeat.

May told us she would have more information tomorrow then hung up hurrying to get in contact with my stylist.

"Well, that will be fun!" George inhaled.

"Lewis, are you going to come too?" I looked to my brother who seemed to be considering.

"I think May would have a conniption if I ditched this so yes. Also, someone has to be there to keep an eye on you two." He shoved us both as we finally arrived at the team's quarters.

Wednesday, Monza Race Week

"Eva! The papaya boys are here." Lewis called as I heard the door open and shut. The team had splurged for connected houses so the Wolff's and the drivers were able to stay close over this busy weekend. Lando and Daniel decided to come hang out and escape their small apartment before the Ferrari party.

"Hurrying!" There was a knock on my bedroom door and I rushed to open it. George was standing there in a black suit and red tie.

"It's bad isn't it?"

"What are you talking about Georgie?" He stormed into the room and ran a hand through his hair.

"The suit...I don't know it's just-"

"Stop, Russell, I need you to pull it together. What are you really worried about?" He met my gaze and his head fell.

"Carmen...she texted me and said she hopes to see me tonight." My jaw dropped,

"How is she even coming? I didn't know she got an invite." I sat on the bed next to him.

" neither. I just, I do not want to deal with it tonight. If we talk too long, photographs, if she's even near me for too long a gossip column is going to say something. And I am bloody terrified of your manager." I chuckled at that.

"Okay, if we stay together, there's no way she will come close to you! I'll be your Carmen repellent if you can keep Gasly away from me." Raising my brows, the Brit finally cracked a smile.

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