Saturday, Monza Race Week

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A/N: Hey! It's me again, I am diverging from the race results from this year ONLY FOR THIS CHAPTER! I am going to use the race results from 2020 (but with the 2022 grid) so I apologize for any ill thoughts toward this, it is just better for the plot! Enjoy this slightly different chapter :)

Lando's POV:

Q3 had ended about five minutes ago, hopping out of the car, I felt defeated. The team sent congratulations but I didn't think they were deserved. was good for the car, but it wasn't what I wanted. Daniel would be looking for me, but I had ten minutes before we had to go do the interview with SkySports. Ten minutes to go handle this once and for all. Hurrying through the paddock, chaos reigned supreme. I tried to avoid cameras and reporters, then the navy blue garage came into view. He was sitting in the shade between buildings with some dumb arse smile on his face. I took a deep breath and headed towards him. He spotted me and stood.

"What do you want, Norris?"

"For you to be quiet and listen."

"Great way to start a conversation."

"Who said this was going to be a conversation? I have seven minutes quiet and listen." He narrowed his eyes at me but didn't say anything. "Alright, no matter how good she thinks she is, Eva is terrible at hiding what she's doing-"

"Wait...this is about Gige?"

"Yeah it is about Eva," he broke into a smile. "I saw her call you a friend yesterday and as you know, the media is going to run with that. But, what I don't understand is how you got her to forgive you."

"Does she know you're here?" His question caught me off guard, but I brushed it aside and continued.

"Look, her and George are together," just saying that made me cringe. "And if people think she's cheating that's not gonna be good for her career."

"Together," he paused. "Hm that's interesting they got you to go along with it as well."

"What are you even on about-"

"But if that's how you're going to play this, like you just said...we're friends. The same way as you." He cocked his head and it took a lot of strength to not shove him into the wall.

"No, because friendship requires trust. And you shattered that a few weeks ago, you didn't have to see the aftermath of what you did. I on the other hand was there for every second. You broke her. And now, you decide to waltz back into her life because it's convenient for you? No, that's not what a friend would do." I could tell that the right nerve was hit by my words because he deflated a bit. "If you really care about her, which I honestly can't tell if you do, you need to let her go. You had the chance to be what she needs and you fucked it up. She cried for days...days Gasly, because of you. And now you're grinning because she called you a friend? Do you not see how fucked up that is? I won't let her fall back in just to have you throw her out again."

"But I-"

"Not done talking and I still have two minutes. What I'm saying is, Gasly you can go do what you do best: go party, take home random girls and finish in the midfield of races. But for Eva, she needs stability and someone who is going to stick around. You'll forget all about her by next season and have a whole new group of girls vying for your attention, so just let her go." For the first time, the Frenchman was speechless so I took the opportunity, turned on my heel and made my way to the media pen.

"Here he is, ladies and gentlemen!" Daniel's strained smile brightened a bit when he caught sight of me.

"Hello, sorry I'm late, I had to get pretty for my close up." The Skysports representative flicked her eyes between us, and I gave Daniel a look that hopefully conveyed the message: we'll talk about it later.

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