Monaco, August 17th 2022

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Pierre and I landed in Monaco yesterday. We'd said goodbye to his Mom and brothers at the airport as they headed back to Rouen. Pascale had embraced me and thanked me for coming with them on the holiday and for bringing a little bit of her son back. I couldn't stop the tears from welling in my eyes at the words but she'd promised that I would see her at another race this season. Once they boarded Pierre walked me to the gate that I was supposed to board, the plane heading for Paris. I had enough inspiration to write a whole album, so it was time for us to go our separate ways. But, Pierre had a different plan.

"Come with me to Monaco." His eyes were lit with desperation.

"What? I can't come with you to Monaco! Especially during the weekend of your biggest sponsor's event. There will be cameras everywhere."

"You can stay at my apartment! We'll order in and I won't leave until it's time to make an appearance at that party."

"So you just want me to hang out in your apartment all day–"

"Well I'll be with you! Then once the party is over we get ready for Belgium. I'll get you home and then see you at the track!"

"Pierre I–"

"Gige we're standing in an airport again...I'm asking you to come with me made the right choice last time! Why not just agree to one more adventure?" I tried to move my mouth to say no, to tell him that this was not a good idea but the only word that left my mouth was,

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and Pierre broke into a wide grin.

"Alright Hamilton, let's go before any paparazzi decide to put us on the front page." With that he took my hand and we hurried off to where his plane waited.

That's how I ended up in Pierre's sweatshirt as the sun rose over the Monaco skyline. My eyes fluttered open at the light and found that the driver was no longer in bed next to me. Pierre and I had spent every night together since he helped me through the panic attack in Greece so when we arrived in Monaco, our night routine had pretty much stayed the same.

There was a loud clang from out in the kitchen so I grabbed the nearest pair of sweats and headed out the door. Pierre stood there shirtless humming softly as he put together a tray with: eggs, bacon, fruit and a glass of orange juice. He turned and flinched as he saw me standing there.

"Merde Gige, I didn't know you were up. I was going to surprise you with some breakfast in bed but–" He trailed off as his eyes roamed up and down my body and a small smile spread to his lips. "Are you wearing my sweatshirt and sweats?" He took a few steps closer and the breath stopped in my throat.

"I am...your stuff is more comfortable."

"It looks better on you anyways." He closed the distance and lifted me up and onto the counter in one swift motion. Immediately his lips were on mine and my arms draped around his bare shoulders. He pulled me closer as his mouth moved from my lips to my jaw then my throat–RING RING

Pierre muttered something in French against my neck as he pulled away slowly. We were both breathing heavily as he searched for the source of the noise. Pierre's phone vibrated endlessly until he found it and finally put it to his ear. I leaned my head back against the cabinet and listened to Pierre's clipped responses.

"Au revoir." He replaced his phone on the counter and ran a hand through his hair, then looked at me again. "I have an hour then I have to go to the hotel, shoot some promotional footage, take some pictures and get ready for the event." It almost seemed to pain him having to leave. "I'm gonna shower, you enjoy breakfast."

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