Greece August 8th, 2022

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Gasly had been avoiding me. I wish I could say it didn't bug me...but it did. There was something I couldn't make sense of from two nights ago in town. He had been scarce around the house all day yesterday. Leaving his mom, brothers and I wondering where he was. I found myself pausing at the top of the stairs where he had said those words that kept ringing through my head.

When I wake up tomorrow I'll be sober. And'll still be beautiful.

Pascale had sat at the dinner table with one empty seat reading a tabloid magazine with her son plastered on the front cover. He was walking alone in downtown Mykonos but, you'd think with the way she reacted, he was caught kicking a puppy. So that's how we ended up on this boat to watch the sunrise and spend the day at sea. I sat with Pascale for most of the morning while the boys talked racing and kicked around the football. She clutched my notebook and I saw tears brimming her eyes,

"This is really good Eva. Very good, I already have some composition components in mind. When we get back, I can play them for you." she smiled at me and warmth flooded my chest. It was around midday now and we would be stopping soon. She had been watching me write and finally I got the courage to hand my notebook over to her. Pascale had me send a text to my parents updating them on my time in 'Paris', they hadn't called though.

That wasn't a shock

I tucked the journal back in my bag as the boat slowed and finally came to a halt. One of the staff members came to the deck and informed us that we would stop right here for some time in the water and to prepare lunch. Hearing four loud splashes, I made eye contact with Mrs. Gasly. We hurried to the edge of the boat and found Pierre's brothers already in the water, the eldest nowhere to be seen. The next thing I knew, there were strong arms around my waist and my body was hurled over the edge. Immediately after colliding with the water, I quickly swam to the surface and found Pierre fucking Gasly dying of laughter.

"You arse! What if I couldn't swim!"

"Well obviously you can, no harm no foul." I splashed water in the frenchman's face and the grin that erupted onto his face could light a room.

He was smiling that way because of me.

I swam with the Gasly brothers and even was able to snorkel with the gear until Mrs. Gasly yelled for us to join her for lunch. After ascending the ladder, Pierre swung an arm over my shoulders. I closed my eyes waiting for the skin to crawl where he made contact but instead there was electricity. Meeting his gaze, my heart skipped a beat. As we rounded the corner I quickly pulled out of his reach and hurried to the already occupied table. Flurries of conversation began as I learned more about the family that had been gracious enough to bring me along. Pierre shared memories from his early karting days as his brothers tossed insults about his boy band haircut. Pascale told me about the wonders of raising her sons while her husband handled the business work and was away. Pierre flinched slightly at the mention of his father and that struck my heart. Conversation continued and when we were done eating he tapped me on the shoulder,

"Can I show you something?" He helped me to my feet and we made our way to the front of the boat. The sun was barely beginning to sink as the route shifted back towards shore. I had a gorgeous view of the blue water, clear skies and grecian island lines. On the wood laid an ordinary looking guitar which Gasly picked up. I was surprised to find that he carried it like he knew what he was doing.

"Do you play?"

"Mom made us learn an instrument when we were younger and I picked the guitar. I thought it would be a hit with the ladies." He turned that boyish grin on me and the air disappeared. "I'm nowhere near as good as you though, trained in the guitar, piano and..."

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