Belgium August 26th, 2022

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"She really said that to you?" Our walk back to the hotel began with a rant about the girl in the bathroom.

"Yeah." I was almost numb now to the events that had transpired. The boys began their own conversation about the Qualifying session tomorrow and then my phone rang ruining my false peace. Groaning I answered the phone to find May's annoyed tone on the other end,

"So I talked to your brother-" I let out a strained chuckle and asked,

"How did that go?" The boys went silent, probably attempting to hear the conversation.

"He drives a hard bargain but I got him to agree. His terms were: no confirmed relationship, no kissing publicly and that it has to be George. So he can keep an eye on you two." That last part caused me to stop in my tracks.

"George?" I said...a bit too loud.

"Yes Eva?" The Brit turned to me and cocked a brow. I threw a hand out to try and silence him.

"I am going to call him tomorrow to set up a meeting."

"No, don't! I am with him right now...let me just ask." Now both drivers were staring at me confused by the mention of George's name.

"Fine, just please text me tonight to let me know, I have already started talking to paparazzis and I am hoping to snag a few pics of you two for the gossip columns. I may already have a few from the dinner tonight courtesy of Daniel-"

"You already got Daniel involved?" I was almost yelling now.

"Well I couldn't ask Lando because I didn't want to put him in that situation." She said that as if I was supposed to understand.

"May, I am not a little girl anymore. I don't need you micromanaging everything." I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Oh you don't?" Do you remember what happened a few months ago?" My breath hitched, "I took care of that and made sure no one knew okay. Just talk to George and get me an answer tonight. The quicker you can give me a song the quicker this can all be over." The line went dead and I was left standing in the middle of the road.

"What was that about?" Lando was the first one to break the silence.

"Well...May seems to think I need to have a PR relationship to keep my name in the press until I have a song to release." I averted my gaze from both of them.

"And they want-" Lando started,

"Me?" George finished.

"Yeah apparently you were the only one Lewis would agree to."

"Why did she have to ask him?" Lando questioned as we began walking again. The question in his tone threw me off.

"Because, Lewis just became okay with me being close friends with you guys and May tries to recommend dating?" I released an exhausted sigh and reached down to pull the heels from my feet.

"Woah woah woah, what do you think you're doing?" Lando leaned over, I assume to stop me, then lost his balance and we both went tumbling to the ground. Lying there laughing in a heap, George just stood above chuckling with us.

"Looks like Mr. Norris had a little too much to drink." I wheezed then pushed the McLaren driver off of me.

"No Miss Hamilton or should I say Mrs. Russell-"

"You're a bastard!" I smacked Lan on the arm and stood quickly, groaning as the ache returned to my feet. Lando was pulled up by George and he swayed, causing us three to begin laughing. "Are you sober?" I grinned at the Mercedes driver.

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