Monza, August 30th 2024

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The closing leg of this tour has been amazing. Sold out shows all around the world have left me speechless. May finally said yes to letting me end the shows in Monza so Lewis, Lando, Pierre and the others could come watch. The crowd roared with approval as I ended the second to last song then I stepped up to the microphone.

"Italy you have been amazing tonight! As some of you may know, there is a very important event happening here this weekend. My brother, best friend and boyfriend are all here tonight supporting me, so let's give them a round of applause." The noise echoes through the arena. "I appreciate you all coming and spending this Thursday night with me! You've made it so I can be at the circuit this weekend and I am truly grateful for that." The crowd cheered again as Lewis, Lando and Pierre smiled from the side of the stage. "This final song is dedicated to a certain Frenchman. I actually haven't sung it at any of the shows yet! So Italy, are you ready to close out the show with me?" I just grinned as the screams reached an all time high.

With the music behind me I just took the moment in. I thought back to when I wrote this song and how lucky I was to be performing on this stage. Then the music faded between the chorus and the next verse. Lights flashed behind me and I heard a voice coming through the speakers that I would recognize anywhere,

"We've made it to Greece!"

I turned quickly and my hand flew to cover my mouth. Pierre was holding the camera and we were on the dock of the villa we'd stayed at over two years ago.

"We are ready to get a tan and hang out in the sun! Are you ready for a relaxing break Hamilton?" The camera panned to me as I grinned at Pierre.

"So ready...break with the Gasly's in Greece, what could go wrong?" We both started laughing and the screen went black. Suddenly, the instrumental track began from where I'd left off. Throughout the song, our videos continued. Footage in Greece and these past two years flashed through for everyone to see and I couldn't stop the emotions leaking into my voice. There were moments that I hadn't even known he'd been recording, our date nights, and spontaneous trips to visit each other during the busy seasons. When the song came to a close, a video of Pierre filled the screen as he said,

"Happy last show etoile brillante, I am so proud of you." He blew a kiss at the screen and tears filled my eyes. I whipped towards the side of the stage and found Pierre was already walking out onto the stage, with a bouquet of flowers in hand. The crowd went crazy at the open display of support and affection. My eyes stung at the pride showing clear on Pierre's face then he pulled me into a hug. All the emotions I had kept bottled up came flowing to the surface as my tears dampened his shirt. His mouth went to my ear as he said,

"I am so proud of you. Come find me when you're done." All I could do was nod as we separated and he gave one wave to the crowd. I took the time to thank the crowd profusely and even decided to play a song from my first EP at the deafening request of the audience. Once I was off the stage, the elated smile on my face was not leaving any time soon. Lewis and Lando congratulated me and he wouldn't admit it, but I think my brother had some tears in his eyes. They both had to be up for team briefings so they said goodbye and pointed me towards a back door. Pierre leaned against a convertible with his mischievous grin.

"Are you ready to go Hamilton?" I approached the passenger door and he pulled it open for me.

"Where are we going?" The car thrummed to life as he responded,

"That's gonna be a surprise." We flew through the streets as the wind whipped our hair. The radio was cranked to full volume but Pierre's terrible singing could be heard easily. I laughed as he held my hand to his mouth like a microphone and I couldn't help but stare. As the car began to slow, I recognized this place. Pierre's mischievous grin returned as he grasped my hand and led us to the gates.

The Monza circuit grandstands loomed like a christmas tree waiting to be decorated. Starting tomorrow, these seats would be filled with Motorsport fans...but tonight, we had it all to ourselves. The path to the podium was one we'd walked before, two years ago, when Pierre had helped me escape the ruthless paparazzis.

"Last time we were here, you didn't want anything to do with me." We climbed the stairs and eventually emerged onto the open platform.

"That's not true." He shot a skeptical look my way. "I wanted everything to do with you...I just didn't want to admit it." My voice trailed off at the end as I stared out at the track. This view would never cease to amaze me.

"Wow, who knew you were such a softie." Pierre was at my side and put his arm around me. The warmth from his body radiated to me as I breathed in deeply. Memories flashed through my head: Belgium, running into him in the paddock for the first time since Greece, Texas, him running to my room when Lando and Lewis didn't know what to do and Greece when he stayed by my side and pulled me from the shell I had trapped myself in. 

Pierre fucking Gasly has blindsided me. He'd come out of nowhere...but that wasn't really true was it? He had always been there. He'd first seen me in 2008 when we were 11 years old. No matter where I was in life, Pierre's course was always running parallel to mine. Every year, every race seemingly in every universe we would be led to this moment right here.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" His soft voice pulled me from these nostalgic thoughts.

"You." I said softly with a smile which he returned immediately. "And how insane you are...waiting what...fourteen years to make your move?"

"Hey, we talked before that." He pulled me close and kissed the side of my head gently. "But what can I say...the things you do for love." My chest tightened at that word. He loved me...he saw the darkness and still chose to love me. Pierre Gasly spotted me drowning out at sea and he'd been the one to pull me up from the waves. My eyes stung as I thought just how much we'd been through. "I love you Hamilton and I have for a very long time." We both grinned wildly now.

"I love you too Gasly." He pulled me close again and this time kissed my lips.

"It never gets old." He whispered and I nodded silently.

"I really should thank you, what would've happened if you'd never invited me to Greece?"

"I was quite the mastermind wasn't I?" We both laughed and returned our gazes to the sky. I laid my head on Pierre's chest and listened to the beat of his heart. All I could think about was how I would be more than okay with doing just this...being just us for the rest of our lives.

Holy cow! And that is the end. I just want to start by apologizing for the time it took to update. Life got crazy and I had zero time to write. Additionally, I didn't want to put something out that I wasn't proud of for you all!

Thank you so much for coming along on this ride with me, it truly has been amazing to share this piece with you and giving me an outlet to express my creativity. Your comments and likes have truly made writing this so enjoyable and I have loved every second of it, so from the bottom of my heart thank you for reading <3

That being said, the first two chapters of my new story have been published! The title is "Raging Bulls" and is a slow burn enemies to lovers, so if that interests you, go check it out (I hope to see you guys over there)!

Again, thank you for spending these months with me I truly appreciate it!

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