Mexico, October 30th 2022

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My alarm went off promptly at seven in the morning. Staring into the darkness of the hotel room, I could almost pretend that this race wasn't going to be any different than the last few. When I showered, I could pretend there weren't going to be more cameras. When I used the blow dryer, I could pretend the reporters wouldn't be asking questions about very personal events. And, when I sat to scroll through my phone I could pretend I wasn't still avoiding social media like the plague.

May had texted me a few times once I'd arrived at the hotel, asking if I wanted to know how the album was doing. I told her 'no thank you' each time and finally, she stopped asking. Breakfast in bed and rom coms were next on the agenda and I started to feel better than I had in days. Earlier that morning, Lewis had told me that he and George had early media duties so I wouldn't be able to ride with them to the circuit. So, I sent a quick text to Lando and Daniel as well as the Ferrari boys. Both sets of drivers responded with short, generic answers about briefings or last minute set up discussions.

I was left with two options: the first being to call a car to take me, or I could ask Pierre if he had also left at some unusual hour. The French driver responded in about a minute, 

"Always room in the car for a five star customer. Meet in the lobby in 10?" 

I smiled, and responded with a thumbs up as I finished the last few details of my outfit. Hurrying to the door, I yanked it open and almost blew past the lanyard that hung from the handle. Slowly lifting the pass to eye level, I read the sticky note that hung there,

 "Evie, got this for you. Didn't take a lot of convincing, he wants you there. Go have fun, I want to see a smile just as bright as those pictures in Greece. -Lew"

 The pass was for the AlphaTauri garage. Trying to contain my grin, I silently thanked Lewis and headed for the stairs.

Pierre was easy to spot in the lobby, even with his back to me as I emerged from the stairs. With his head buried in his phone, I was able to creep up slowly. 

"Well I might have to lower my rating if my driver isn't ready to go on time." He flinched in surprise at my voice then turned to face me with a grin.

"Mon etoile, I've been ready to go for ten minutes." I was too busy admiring his smile to notice that he held a bouquet of pink roses. "These are for you," he extended the bouquet towards me and a lump formed in my throat. "I also grabbed these." Pierre held a dark pair of sunglasses in his hand and I inhaled deeply. "I had a feeling you might forget a pair." We shared a knowing smile, the two previous times we stood, just a pair of sunglasses between us.

"Let's go Gasly, you can't be late."

Pierre's singing was just as bad as I remembered. My stomach hurt from laughing at the way he tried to serenade me with one of the radio's 'Top 40' hits. With the windows down, and wind blowing through the car, I could almost pretend we are two normal adults driving with no end in sight. But, then I spot the lines of people stretching from the paddock entrance. Pierre moved to roll the windows up, but without realizing, I put my hand on his to stop it. 

"I want to wave to the fans." There was a glimmer of something like pride that crossed Gasly's face and suddenly all the windows were down.

The crowd yelled and snapped pictures. Caps, shirts and other random objects were shoved into the car; Pierre tried his best to sign them all. Most fans approached the window with a wide grin, some even had tears brimming their eyes. Once they saw me in the passenger's seat, each jaw dropped a few inches. We moved through the crowd slowly but I didn't mind. The fans took pictures and yelled but it didn't feel like we were being judged, for once I felt like there was support behind us.

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