London, October 20th 2022

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It's been ten days since I left Pierre in Japan. When I woke up at 4 am that morning and saw him asleep in the chair next to my bed a mixture of emotions rolled through my head. I'm not proud of it but the warmth in my heart was terrifying so, I did what I do I flew with Lewis and George back to London, where May was waiting at the airport. Lewis gave me a big hug and said he'd see me in Austin. We drove to the small studio I'd requested on the coast and began the songs I'd been sitting on for so many months.

After about three days of non-stop working, May said she had a surprise for me. I opened the door and found Lando standing there, bags in hand, on our small front porch. He sat with us in the studio while I recorded and even added some of his own flare to the production. In our down time, we walked around the small town, rode bikes and sat with May playing games in the cottage. He asked about Pierre, even though he looked like he was in pain, and I kept it short and sweet. Pierre tried to call for the first few days as well, but I never had the heart to pick up the phone.

I knew I'd be seeing him at the race in Texas but I didn't know where we stood. Japan felt like a step...but I wasn't sure in what direction. It took the remaining week to finish the last few songs I wanted, so with the brief time off the grid over with, Lando and I met Daniel at the airport.

"My friends!" The Australian threw his arms wide.

"Hey Danny," I grinned as we headed for security.

"Did you take care of her?" Daniel turned his gaze on Lando.

"Not that she needed it, but we had fun! Smashed it in the studio." Both guys smiled at me.

"Well you can tell me all about it on this flight...let's go." Daniel put both arms around Lando and me as we headed for the plane.

Circuit of the Americas, October 21st 2022

"Evangeline! Are you and Pierre friends?"

"Evangeline! When are you releasing new music?"

"Evangeline! What was going on with you and Pierre in Japan?"

The reporters were a bit louder this time and all I could do was smile as the cameras kept flashing.

"Just keep your head down and keep walking." Lando and Daniel ushered me through the crowd.

"Is he here?" I lock eyes with my best friend but the look on his face tells me he doesn't know.

"Well well well! If it isn't Hamilton, Norris and Riccairdo."

"Son of a bitch." Lando's anger is evident.

"Pierre Gasly!" Daniel turns and embraces the Frenchman. I slowly turn on my heels as well and find the paddock playboy on full display. Shades on, shirt unbuttoned and his chain glinting in the sun, the breath leaves my lungs.

"Hamilton! I'm happy to see you're alive, I thought you got abducted by aliens or something."

"Gasly...sorry I've been in the recording studio."

"No need to apologize Hamilton...but I do have a way you can make it up to me." His head tilts in a mischievous way.

"She doesn't owe you anything, Gasly."

"She doesn't need you to fight her battles, Norris." The tension was palpable as we stood there in silence.

"I'm gonna go...over there." Daniel piped up finally and hurried away as fast as possible.

"Lando...we have to get you to briefing. I finally find the words lodged in my throat. As Lando and I continued to the McLaren motorhome, Pierre's voice followed us,

"See you tonight Hamilton! Seven o'clock...wear something comfortable."

"I think I really do hate that guy." Lando grumbles.

"Likewise." We grin but I can't quiet my heart which thuds with the anticipation of tonight.

It's seven o'clock on the dot and a knock sounds at the door. I check the peep hole and find Pierre leaning against the door frame. Yanking the door open, the driver storms into my room before I can say a word.

"Before we go, I need you to tell me what happened in Japan. I thought we had a good night...a friendly night, then I woke up in an empty room." I was at a loss for words, this morning he had seemed so calm, the swagger had been on full display. But, now he was speaking quickly and finally showing some emotion. I finally find my voice,

"like I said, I had an early flight to make." He takes a step closer and my voice shakes.

"Then I called and texted, got no response from you."

"Again, I was recording at a small studio in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't really the best environment for phone calls."

"And you couldn't tell me?"

"You didn't need to know."

"Do you want to know what I think?" Again, he steps forward and is now within an arm's length.

"Not really...but I have a feeling you're going to tell me." Gasly grins at my words and nods slightly.

"I think you got scared. I think after Japan you started to let me back in just a little bit and that wasn't what you'd expected."

"You don't know what I thin–" He closes the distance between us and suddenly I'm staring up into his eyes.

"I think you're starting to trust me again. I know that I lost that trust...rightfully so. But, I think that maybe, just maybe I'm gaining some of it back." I want to tell him he's wrong. I want to scream and yell that he doesn't know me anymore. But the truth is, he knows more about me than I care to admit. He knows those deep dark parts of me but doesn't shy fact, he steps towards my darkness. Then he does something I'd never expect, he sinks down onto his knees. His gaze is still trained on mine as he continues, "I won't ever expect you to say something or make a decision but I need you to know that I'm not going anywhere." He takes my hand in his and I can't breathe. 

He sits there staring up at me like some man who is proposing, so I make the decision to meet at his level. I take his head in my hands and kiss him. He tenses for a moment but then releases the tension and kisses me back fully. His hands are in my hair and I can feel my heart thudding against my rib cage. In one swift motion he has me off the floor then on the bed. We're a tangle of limbs as his lips travel from mine to my neck then back to the starting place.

We are pulled suddenly from this moment when Pierre's phone alarm begins to sound. Gasly and I both freeze momentarily as a disappointed groan sounds from him.

"As much as I would love to stay here...with you...all night. I did have a plan for us tonight that I'm quite proud of. So we should be going Hamilton." I close my eyes and lean my head back against the mattress.

"Alright Gasly, let's see what you have up your sleeve." 


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Hello! Not too much to say for this one, but the next chapter is going to be a doozy to be prepared! It does have a lot going on so I've been taking my time writing and editing it but I promise it will be up soon! As always I love reading your comments and thank you for reading 

<3 S

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