Rouen France, August 4th 2022

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Awakening to the sounds of the French countryside was not something I was used to but I definitely could learn to be. The house was eerily silent for the second day in a row so I assumed Pierre was staying true to his word and had left again for the day. His brothers had jobs in town and were working the last day before we left for Greece. The sun was just beginning to rise, so I grabbed a jumper and went out on the balcony to get some writing done. The insistent block was still present and I was beginning to lose hope in myself. The phone ringing shook me from my thoughts.

"Hey darling, how is France?" May's voice was stark against the quiet summer air.

Technically still in France...technically not lying.

"It's good! Writing is coming along slower than I had hoped, but I'm feeling optimistic." There was a knock at the door and Mrs. Gasly stuck her head in,

"I'm making coffee if you would like any, or tea?" Quickly covering my end of the phone I whispered,

"Um, coffee with milk and sugar would be lovely. I can grab it in a few, thank you so much." I smiled at her and Pascale closed the door.

"Who was that?" May's suspicion filled my ear.

"Just a neighbor asking for some sugar." The false bravado in my tone sounded foreign.

"Did she just open your door?"

"I heard the knock May, also I know all the people on my floor so it's not a huge deal." I smiled into the phone. "Hey I'll call you later okay? I need to go make breakfast."

"Alright darling, call your family, they're probably missing you."

"Will do May, cheers." I hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief. Quickly hurrying down the stairs, I found a steaming cup sitting on the counter. The house was still and the boys were nowhere to be seen. Pascale was seated on their large back porch, she turned and met my gaze then gestured for me to come sit with her. Her voice cut melodically through the summer air,

"I love the mornings especially when I have the house to myself! Those boys are just so noisy." We both chuckled and I took a seat next to her. "So have you talked to your family yet?"

"Well my relationship with my parents is a bit...strained at the moment. I don't think Nicholas or Lewis want to acknowledge it because that would mean we would have to talk about it. So in short, no...not yet." I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes.

"Family relations especially in yours and your brothers' line of work often are a bit difficult. I did see the nasty headlines a few months ago. I'm guessing those may play a part." My mind flashed to the argument in our family kitchen, broken glass littered the floor like the bond that had been shattered. I tried to shake those thoughts away but a ghost of the tears that had streamed down my face made it difficult. "Your music doesn't reflect these difficult feelings. I listened to your EP and they played it on the radio a bit. You seem very confident, not at all what I expected would step off that train." We both took a sip of our drinks.

Wild, Outlandish, Party girl

I couldn't blame her though, I hadn't given anyone a different idea of me recently.

"I wish I could say I was always that confident."

"I assume growing up with a brother like Lewis has affected you in more ways than one. People are quick to assume that children in your position live a fantasy life, but I cannot imagine what you went through behind closed doors." She looked at me and I couldn't help but feel seen by her warm eyes.

"I dealt with the same stuff as others. Teasing, mean girls, boy problems...THAT'S what made me the singer I am, very surface level. But, what I couldn't deal with, was the family stuff. I still haven't been able to write about it yet. Constant comparison, arguments about the divorce, races, then more races once Nicholas started. I couldn't escape the yelling. Sometimes I just wanted to drown out all the noise and just not..." Emotion gathered in my throat and the words I had planned on saying caught there. I felt a hand on my arm, she affixed me with a gaze that threatened to make tears fall.

"I'm hoping you took these feelings to a journal? I always recommend them to my sons, especially to Pierre after Anthoine. I'll never know if he eventually did, but a mother can cross her fingers." I still didn't know how she could understand so much, but I nodded. "Take the time to reexamine that journal, you will never heal if you are unable to face the past." My heart was full of admiration for this woman who I had known for barely over forty-eight hours. We continued scattered conversations about her sons' jobs in town, as well as Pierre's training schedule. Delving into the upcoming trip to Greece and how she was excited to have another girl to do the 'fun stuff' with.

"Alright, I have some last minute shopping before we leave, would you like to come?" She turned hopefully, beginning to straighten the chair which she had occupied.

"If it's all the same to you, I think I might have some inspiration and could get some writing done." She smiled faintly and nodded.

"I think that sounds wonderful, we have some adventures to embark on soon, so get that writing done," she turned to leave.

"Wait-" I called, stopping her. "Would you be willing to help with composition if I need it? Pierre mentioned that you play the piano?"

"I may be a bit rusty, but I would be more than happy to help." She held a hand out to take my mug as well, I handed it to her but elected to stay in the chair a bit longer. Sparing one last look at me, her eyes held an emotion I could only hope was pride. I waited on the porch until I heard the door close indicating Mrs. Gasly had left for her shopping. Hurrying upstairs, I began packing my case and the additional one that Pascale had provided for the clothes we purchased two days ago. When that was finished, I showered and decided on comfortable clothes returning to the outside balcony. I took out my red writing book along with the black journal I had kept since high school. I flipped to the page indicating my first day.

That hadn't lasted long.

Reading these pages filled me with all kinds of emotions, from the happiness and wonder during my first day at a Formula 1 track, the days I met and became close with Lando, George and Charles as well as the strengthening of my bond with Lewis. These pages held joy and so much pain. But in them, I also saw the inspiration I needed to make a name for myself. One separate from my brother and his legacy, one inspired by me and for me only to share. I was writing until the sun began to set and it had been a long time since I could say I'd done that. I had the skeletons of six songs and I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders.

"Evangeline, dinner is ready whenever you want to come down!" Ms. Gasly called out to the empty house. My stomach released a loud rumble and I realized I missed lunch. Putting on a sweater and sprinting down the stairs, I ran right into a wall...nope a person.

"Eh, woah slow down Hamilton, are you trying to get me hurt before vacation even starts." I met the piercing eyes of Pierre Gasly and had to restrain myself from physically inhaling. He was disheveled from his time outdoors but somehow elegant. Regaining my composure after a second too long,

"Slowing down isn't in my vocabulary...and I'm starving. " We locked eyes again and something in my stomach panged. He gave me a small smirk, raking his hand across his chin. 

"Alright, I gotta shower but save me a plate?" He pointed at his mother and she smiled, nodding in her son's direction. I hurried to the table and Pierre went up the stairs, taking a chair, I began talking with the Gasly's about their days. Pierre's brothers told me about their jobs at the local cafe and ice cream shop. They all hoped these girls from school would come to visit tomorrow before we leave. Pascale discussed our flight arrangements and what she had to grab from the store earlier. We finished our dinner and headed to the family room for dessert. I sat against the couch while Pierre's brothers sat on both sides of me. The driver finally made his way down the stairs, grabbed his plate and came to join us.

"Hey, we are going to play monopoly if you want to join." I nodded towards the empty spot directly in front of me. Offer hanging in the air between us,

"Only if you five are okay with losing." There was a competitive glint in his eyes.

"Fact, Gasly, I never lose." I returned the smirk and he joined me on the floor as we rolled the dice. 


Thank you <3

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