The Universe's POV Pt. 1

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"What if I told you none of it was accidental and the first night that you saw me nothing was gonna stop me."

Pierre Gasly first saw Evangeline Hamilton when they were both 11 years old. It was Le Mans 2008 and he had arrived with Esteban and Anthoine. The sun beat down on the three boys as they entered the box and cameras flashed but Pierre couldn't tell who they were photographing. Esteban pointed excitedly and the three boys began creeping towards the crowd. The driver wore a dark jacket and had buzzed hair. His wide smile matched his loud voice and British accent.

"Is that the new McLaren rookie?" Anthoine whispered. But Pierre wasn't paying attention to his friends. His eyes were fixed on the girl who stood next to the British driver.

"Didn't he just win his first race in Canada?" This time it was Esteban who spoke. Pierre was still focused on the young girl. She looked to be about their age, with long dark curls and eyes the color of chocolate. She glowed in the afternoon sun streaming through the window and Pierre had no words.

"I–" He was a blubbering idiot. Pierre's friends exchanged a look and rolled their eyes.

"C'mon lover boy, let's go find our seats." Esteban grabbed his wrist and started pulling him away

"Who is that?" Pierre's friends followed his gaze and both boys let out an understanding sigh.

"Mon frère, je ne sais pas. [My brother, I don't know]" Anthoine shook his head.

"Yeah dude, we have no ide–"

"Hey!" The shout was out of Pierre's mouth before anyone could stop it. The room went silent and most heads turned to him...including the one he wanted. When he met her eyes, a surprised smile played on the girl's lips. "What's your name?" Pierre yelled. The girl hesitated for a moment then opened her mouth. Just before she could get her name out though, she was swarmed again by photographers and pulled away by the new British McLaren driver.

Pierre didn't see Eva again until was Monaco. Pierre and Anthoine were competing in the Monaco Kart Cup with their good friend Charles Leclerc. The monegasque went to win the cup with Pierre on his left in 3rd position. The boys had celebrated and were returning to their teams when Pierre spotted a fellow competitor talking to two other kids. Pierre recognized the other boy as Alexander Albon, a British racer who had finished right behind him in todays race. He didn't recognize the younger...smaller boy with dark hair but he did recognize the girl. Her face was lit with a smile as she threw her head back in a laugh.

"Je n'y crois pas. [I don't believe it.]" Anthoine's voice reached him through the trance.

"Quoi? [what?]" Charles followed the other boys's gazes. A knowing sigh escaped Charles. "That's Lando Norris. I heard he is pretty good in the lower levels." Anthoine and Pierre shared a look, Charles thought they were intimidated by the newcomer. "He brought Eva!" Charles grinned and began walking over.

Pierre froze for a moment, processing the new information he'd just been gifted. Anthoine and Pierre followed Charles closely as they approached the other three. Pierre didn't know if she'd remember had been two years but Pierre would never forget her.

"Lando!" Charles called out. Three heads turned their direction and the one who must be Lando smiled at them.

"Charles hi! Congrats, that was an awesome race." The boys hugged briefly and Lando scanned the other two boys.

"Oh! These are my friends Anthoine and Pierre." Charles gestured to them.

"Pierre." A quiet female voice echoed. All the boys whipped their heads to her and she smiled shyly.

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