Chapter Four: Nonchalant

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Theo's Perspective:

I was sweating profusely after my last period - physical education. I had to run a few laps on the track with all the other sweaty, disgusting  jockeys. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I was shoved to the ground.

After I changed into my regular clothes, I walked to the sink to wash all the dirt off my palms.. The room seemed empty, and it looked as if I was the last one to leave the locker rooms. I had spent my time there waiting for the jocks to leave before I could change, which took up most of my time.

Thinking I was the only one left in the entire school, I began to hear squeaking from behind me. Still limping from the impact of Cody's kick, I turned and saw Blake exiting the doors of the bathroom with a towel swung over his shoulder.

His focus was directed to the ground as he fixed his messy hair, until he noticed my presence. Before I could even say a word, I found myself staring at his toned chest, and at the fact that he only had a towel covering the bottom half of his body.

I tried not to make things even more awkward between us and turned to the entrance. I thought back to what happened earlier this morning, and contemplated running out of the room. I had foolishly thought that we were now acquaintances, if not friends.

I guess I got my hopes though, and that I should've expected that, especially coming from someone like Blake Brooks. I sighed and continued making my way off of campus silently, knowing that Blake was still trailing behind me.

"All alone, Wright?" Blake's voice echoed through the empty hallway. I ignored his jeers, knowing it'd do me no good to respond to him.

"I'm talking to you!" He called out. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and continued walking. I plugged my earbuds into my ears in an attempt to drown out his voice. I ignored the way his footsteps seemed to get louder, and quickened my pace to my bike.

His hands gripped onto my shoulders from behind, and he pulled my earbuds out of my ears, "What kinda' nerdy music you listenin' to now, freak?" I could sense that he was smirking even more with each word that came out of his mouth. I wanted to keep walking, but his strong arms on my shoulders kept me in place. "You gonna answer me or what?" He said, impatiently.

Being stuck in place, I had no other choice to reply to his  daunting question, ".. The Lumineers." I said quietly, not wanting to aggravate him further. "Of course you would listen to some gay-ass shit like that." He scoffed. Who was he to judge my taste when I already knew I had better taste in music than he did? He probably listened to rap, like Carti, or Yeat. Maybe that's why he didn't like my music taste. Not to say rap is bad, but it's just not my cup of tea.

I walked faster to my bike, which was chained up to the fence. The lock was old, and took me forever to unlock, so I knew I'd have to uncomfortably do it in front of Blake. I kneeled down, and began to pick at it with my fingers, "You're not seriously going to bike home - not in this weather. I knew you were a batshit crazy nerd, but not this crazy." He chuckles. I gave him a small shrug in response, not wanting my silence to upset him.

"You're gonna get a 90 degree burn from  your bike being in the sun all day; why don't I give you a lift home instead?" Blake offered. Who was he to think that I would want to ride home with him after he LET his friend beat me up? I had a bruise forming on the side of my stomach.. He can't be serious right now! "I'm getting a 90 degree burn from just looking at your face." I said, under my breath quietly, hoping he didn't hear it audibly.

"And this is what I get for trying to be nice?" Blake rolled his eyes at me. Trying to be nice?! I think his weed got to him.. First he was being a total bystander, and an advocate to his friend's brutal beating this morning, obviously I wouldn't accept his offer to ride home with him.. Alone.

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