Chapter Ten: Fake It 'Till You Make It

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Blake has been acting unusually nice to me lately - waiting for me outside my class, buying me my favorite drink from the vending machine, and getting his homophobic friends to shrug off. It all seemed too good to be true - but might as well enjoy it while it lasts. With every nice gesture he made, I fell even harder for him (if that was even possible). I was walking to my last class before lunch that was on the other side of the campus.

My earplugs were shoved deeply in my ears, emitting "The Smiths". I brought my granola bar up to my mouth, about to bite off a piece of it, when I felt a muscular arm being hung over my shoulder, "Hey nerd, what's up?" The familiarity of his voice was like music to my ears. "Oh.. Hey, Blake." He ruffled my hair, and I looked over to him to see him with a big pearly-white grin, I chuckled at his antics. I motioned at my granola bar, signaling if he wanted a bite. "Nah, I'm good. But you know - there is something else that I want to get a bite of."

His hand trailed from my shoulder onto my back, which sent shivers down my spine. It took me a few seconds to get a hold of his joke, before I scoffed quietly and tried ripping his strong arm off my waist. Instead, his grip got tighter. I looked around in embarrassment and saw cheerleaders, jocks, and nerds giving me a look of disgust, probably thinking what someone like Blake was doing hanging around someone like me. "I don't think your girlfriend would like that." I said.

While waiting for a response, my mind shifted to how we were at each other's throats only a week or so ago, and now he was acting as if I was his friend (except.. Male friends don't usually flirt with one another - so what is he getting at?!) I had learned to gradually accept this new change, because it felt nice to have someone to talk to and hang around. Plus, I haven't felt this way about anyone in such a long time. Last I checked, I had a three-day playground relationship with this boy when I was in elementary school. Safe to say that wasn't as serious as my crush on Blake.

"She doesn't gotta' know." Blake placed his finger on his lip. I smacked his head - why were teenage boys so prone to cheating on their girlfriends? And even if it was a joke, I'm gay, so it still counts as cheating. I ripped myself free from his grip and walked speedily away to my next class. While in class, I couldn't help but miss the feeling of Blake's arm on my waist.

The bell rang, and students started to file out of the classroom. As expected, Blake was waiting patiently near the door with a can of Pepsi. He knew that was my favorite, and ever since I told him, he's been buying them for me almost everyday before lunch. Additionally, he had begun to visit me more frequently during lunch.

"Hey." I said, looking up at him and smiling. I took the can, and muttered, 'Thank You' before I walked past him and to my lunch spot outside. However, Blake seemed to follow me, stuck by my side like a clingy koala. "Um.. I think you're going the wrong way." He rolled his eyes at me, before responding with, "I wanted to be with you today." He said, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

I felt my face starting to heat up, "Shut up. Who's paying you?" I joked. He laughed in return - and oh, god - his laugh was such a rare thing to hear, making it sound like a symphony to me. Never, ever, have I ever heard a man laugh that.. Sexily? No. Stop. Theo, what the hell. "No one. Just thought you'd be a nice change from the usual egotistical jocks at my table." He's got to be kidding - why is he hating on 'egotistical jocks' as if he's not one himself? "Jeez, it's almost as if you're against your own kind." I said, rolling my eyes.

We eventually reached my lunch-spot, which was outside and under a tree. I sat down and motioned for him to sit too. "Come on, that can't be a real lunch." Blake said, teasingly, pointing at my granola bar, "It's fine.. I'll probably.. Eat at home." School was almost over anyway, so I figured I could just have my lunch when I came home.

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