Chapter 4 - Moving in

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Tommy and Tubbo stared up at the fancy, heavily detailed house. Wilbur stood there with a smug grin on his face, Phil and Techno had joined them. "Why so fancy?!" Tubbo gasped, "this is too fancy!".

Wilbur turned to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "don't worry about paying, I got you" he explained. Confusion washed over his expression as stared at him, "wait how long are you going to pay for our rent?!".

Wilbur thought for a moment before smirking, "as long as I want to," he admitted. "Which'll be awhile" Tommy added with a frown.

Techno was the one to bring everyone to the matter at hand, "let's get these boxes settled in" he said, picking up a pretty large one and hauling it up to the door.

He unlocked it and took it inside, Tommy went to pick another box up but Phil stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. The warm smile was contagious, and Tommy couldn't help smiling as well.

"You and Tubbo should go and check out the interior of your new house".

Tommy looked at Tubbo who seemed eager to look inside. He sighed and gave in "alright, but i'm going to help you move some of it" he stubbornly stated.

Phil nodded and picked up the box beside Tommy and took it inside, they had organized which was which by where they belonged. Kitchen items, living room, Tommy's stuff, Tubbo's stuff. It was all organized by rooms.

"Come on Tubbo, Phil said to look around inside" he called over his shoulder, he went to lift a box but Wilbur took it from his hands.

He gave a glare to the brunette but eventually followed him inside, the house wasn't any of the ones they looked at before. But it was alot closer to the Watson family.

The house itself on the outside was pretty big, with smooth, white, concrete walls and beautiful lamps dotting the house in a pretty pattern. It was two stories high and had a gorgeous golden roof.

Inside, the house was equally beautiful, with cerulean walls, and perfect wooden laminate floors. The living room was absolutely magnificent, and large. The room was at least 30x30, it had golden curtains already installed and off white carpet.

When they entered the kitchen Tommy was gaping at the large area, checkered black and white tiles, and beautiful marble white counters. Most of the boxes for the room were already in there and were waiting patiently to be unpacked.

Tubbo ran past Tommy and made his way up the stairs. He started opening doors, coming to a simple bathroom, then he opened the door to the first bedroom. Now Tubbo's mouth was on the floor, there were only two bedrooms in the house. Both equally as large.

Both were already furnished, one with Tubbo's and the other with Tommy's. He couldn't help but notice that his room had a better view of the city than Tubbo's did. In his old room Tommy only had a bed and a fabric of shoddy curtains he got off discount.

In this room however, there was a new bed fitted with crimson sheets. The bed itself was made of cherry wood and a desk near it made of the same material. A red carpet was spread across the dark wood floors, and spread under the bed.

The window went from the mid wall to the floor with beautiful, red, and notably expensive curtains draping over it. Red shelves lined the dark grey walls and his stuff was already in there. His figures lined the wall, each a spitting image of the heroes and villains. His friend Niki even made some custom ones for Tommy at a good price.

To finish the collection he had figures of the vigilantes made, such as Bee, Ender, Stag, Slime, Shifter, Flashback, Vulpine, and the notably new character named Alien.

His gaze ignored the heroes and vigilantes and traveled over to the villains, they were on a low shelf, the vigilantes were above them and the heroes were at the top.

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