Chapter 22 - Answers

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Tommy's head felt like it was about to burst, a constant pulse and pressure against his head. his body ached with pain, each and every one of his limbs didn't want to listen to him. He was forced to lay in his temporary paralyzed state.

he forced his eyes to open, though it didn't do much for the burning pain behind his eyes. There was a figure that leaned over him. The only details he could make out was the golden blonde hair and blurred blue eyes, they had similar features much like himself.

It reminded him of someone from his past, a man who had always been kind to him in his life, at least before his mom died. "Dad?" he asked, confusion washing over his blurry haze of a mind. He blinked a few times to desperately get his vision under control again.

The recovery to his sight was slow, but it was working, it hurt to blink, but he needed his vision to be normal again. The man above him sighed, "Tommy..." he breathed, tone laced with worry, the voice he recognized was not his father's.

"Phil?" he asked, finally understanding where he was, he remembered now. The heist with Icarus, the car he'd flown over a highway, the sight of Hearthfire's car, flipped over and partially on fire.

He remembered the pain in his chest and feeling like he couldn't breathe. It hurt so bad he had no choice but to close his eyes.

"Fuck, Tommy! Get up"


He remembered...

Tommy shot up out of bed and took in a deep breath, his vision finally came back to him and the house that tall mother fucker lived in finally came to view. Phil stood and handed Tommy a bottle of water, whilst continuing to dab his head with a damp washcloth.

Every time it met with his skin it burned. He took the cloth from Phil and stared at the cloth covered in a crimson substance. "Ah! What the fuck!" he screamed, unaware he was still bleeding until it ran down his face.

Phil came up to him and gently wiped his face with another wet cloth. He pulled a container out and dressed a generous amount of the medicine on the wound. Opening a first aid kit, he grabbed Tommy's head to stabilize it and kept it in place as the blonde started to flail.

"Phil" he cried, drawing out the i and l near the end to voice his annoyance at not being able to escape. The man grabbed Tommy's bangs and tied it up with a hair tie, taking the bandages, he tied them around his head.

Gently, he applied pressure, making sure they were tight enough to stay, but loose enough to not cause problems. The door swung open quickly, revealing a panting Techno in the doorway, his face was slightly red in odd ways.

"Techno, did you burn yourself again?" Phil asked in a stern voice, the man nodded and held out his mask. Phil finished up with Tommy and turned to reach for the golden boar mask in the hands of his son.

The blonde sighed, "I told you to stop making things out of metal and leaving them out in the sun for hours," he stated. Techno looked sheepish and then turned to Tommy. Now that Tommy knew who Wilbur and Techno were he felt slightly intimidated. He pulled the hair tie out and let his hair fall into his face.

If Wilbur was Icarus, and Techno was Thanatos, would that make Phil Zephyrus? Was Tommy sitting in the house of the top three villains?

It wasn't a surprise that Tommy didn't realize. I mean the top three worst villains have to be good at hiding, otherwise they'd be in jail. Tommy stood up, his head dizzy from an impact he didn't even know he'd sustained, well, up until he saw the bleeding.

While Phil and Techno were working out how the pink haired man could wear the same mask more safely, Tommy slunk out of the room into the hallway. He gaped at the hallway that appeared to never end.

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