Chapter 31 - Nightmare

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"Tommy?" he called, How could you Cameron! Dream screeched, "ugh get out of my head Clay," he hissed back. The voice on the other sighed let out a yell of anger, Stay out of Tommy's head you parasite, don't even think about trying anything! Nightmare laughed at his brother's anger. The two were technically the same person, Nightmare was Dream's anger and hatred, but they had their own consciousness.

"Quit throwing such a tantrum, baby brother you aren't a kid anymore," he kept his tone serious and calm. Cameron wouldn't let Clay make him angry, he would decline him the satisfaction of getting on his nerves. You're right, i'm not a kid so stay out of my way, you are not going to mess this up! He was older because he was created about a month before he was born, a bad omen for what Clay would become. Snap the sound of the connection being cut off filled his ears.

Though he wished the person he was meant to represent hadn't fallen down a dangerous, cruel path built around a single teen who was scared and wanted nothing to do with him. Originally, the other "Twin" was the only one who could see Nightmare. Then as Dream's anger and resentment grew, so did Nightmare's power.

Which ultimately made him visible to everyone. His parents began to fear the child who had randomly appeared in their child's life. But they were confused when Clay played with him, as if he'd alway been there.

Maybe that was the start of Schlatt's dislike for Clay, of course Puffy adored the two and didn't seem to mind her second son. But Schlatt had always been wary, maybe it was because of Cameron that Clay's father began drinking. It was around the same time that Puffy and Schlatt began fighting.

They stayed together, giving birth to 'their' sister Drista, then to Foolish, then Tobias. Eventually, Puffy couldn't take it anymore, Schlatt never abused her, he just.. wasn't always there to help.

The two broke it off as soon as Toby was born, and Schlatt moved to a different city, cutting contact with his ex wife. Though they had never been his actual parents, he wondered why Puffy had treated that unfamiliar kid with such kindness.

The door to his apartment opened, the soft creak of the door then the heavy footsteps. He turned to face two people, similar to him in many ways, he never knew them until a week ago but at least they were willing to work with him.

Nightmare turned, his black and red mask, the black and red fabric, glimmering in the moonlight. Tommy was Cameron's replacement, he didn't deserve that, maybe he and Dream were the same person, but that didn't mean he had to be like him.

Like these two, they went on living as the twins of their mortals. In reality they were nothing more than spirits, who would fade as soon as their connection died.

"Nightmare, what now?" the blonde haired man, Helsk asked, he looked between him and EX, looking for answers. EX spoke, his voice calculated and calm, "we need to be able to get close, Grian is already at that point.. Nightmare have you been able to contact Tommy," the dirty blonde haired man shook his head. Ever since Dream had severed the connection between Tommy and Cameron, he hadn't been able to regain that connection.

Dream was in the way at the moment, and Nightmare needed to distract him somehow. The hero was focusing on Tommy, to break his focus was to break the barrier between Tommy and Nightmare.

He heard a loud crash from the guest bedroom, "he's awake," EX muttered. Helsk shrugged, Nightmare's anger and annoyance faded. The blonde removed his mask, revealing his face the same as dream, just with slightly darker hair and red eyes. Other than that his features were the same.

He turned to the door, for some reason he was dreading walking through that door. What if all he saw was Dream, would he attempt to fight back even if he didn't touch him. Would he see Nightmare as Cameron? Or Clay?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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