Chapter 9 - Rush

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Tommy thought today would be the normal day as usual but he had no clue how wrong he was. He was busy working away at his job.

Things went normally and he almost thought today would be calm like yesterday's patrol. However, no, in a world of superheroes what could be considered normal. Definitely not this.

Leaving the cafe and walking about halfway across the street a hand looped around his waist and time seemed to speed up. Suddenly he was moved across the street and a piece of the building crashed just where he'd been milliseconds before.

He felt dizzy and stumbled a bit, he had not been prepared from the rush of wind. Rush, Tommy looked up to see a man with dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and an awkward smile.

A part of his bangs was dyed dark blue with little streaks seeming to pattern through his hair. A mid ocean blue mask rested over his face with another version of a tan, he wore a pretty simple, basic hoodie with a white shoulder and a rim of white at the bottom.

He had tight, black pants that contrasted his red and black calf high boots. He wore white gloves over his hands to hide his finger prints. "Rush" Tommy breathed, staring in wonder at the man. The only man to have bested Dream at his own game.

The only one to defeat him without problem. Rush hadn't been around for more than six months to this point, and he'd already defeated the strongest hero. And it wasn't due to strength but his power and smarts.

Super speed wasn't as rare as healing powers or teleportation, but it was still uncommon among many. "Er, uhm y-yes, stay out of the way for now don't want ya getting hurt" he responded stuttering through the line as he disappeared.

The only thing left behind was a heavy gust of wind which almost knocked him off balance. Tommy grabbed his bag and removed it from his shoulder and ducked into an alleyway.

He slipped the red and white shirt off and put on his ruby red shirt. He stuffed the t-shirt back in the bag and pulled out a black leather jacket, slipping it on over his arms he smirked, grabbing his gloves and slipping them on. He removed his boots and mask from the bag and stared around him.

Removing his tennis shoes he slipped them inside and pushed the bag into a good hiding spot. He breathed deeply and slipped the mask over his face, feeling the rush of filtered air rushing through to his lungs after a few seconds.

Deep breaths were needed as it was hard to breathe in a gas mask, but his friend Halictidae had made a few adjustments to the shape and proportions of his face and added a filtered breathing system. Which filtered even poisonous gas into breathable air.

It was nice having a tech guy on your team, upgrades and new gadgets were useful. Grabbing the book he flipped through the pages searching for a new spell he'd been working on.

He smirked when he found it, a simple levitation spell, the description was similar to how Dream's levitation ability worked. He wondered what would happen if the top hero got a taste of his own medicine.

Closing his eyes he pictured the roof of the building beside him and when he opened them he was staring at the large city around him. North side was gorgeous with glittering buildings made of glass and towering skyscrapers cutting the sky.

And in the middle of it all was The Agency of Pandora, the heroes controlled the center of Pogtopia. Mostly Dream who had King Eret wrapped around his finger and tied to strings like a puppet. One pull of a single string would be his influence affecting them.

Turning to the chaos he saw Rush engaged in a battle with 404, oh this would be interesting. Last time he'd come face to face with a hero of that strength he'd fled with Halictidae and Ender.

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