Chapter 30 - Strange Thoughts

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Bit of a short chapter, however i did lose motivation for a long while but i'm coming back, mostly the hiatus was because I couldn't figure out where i wanted this to go. Thats the problem with just winging it, heres a new chapter tho :)

Frustrated, is what Tommy felt, he was unsure of himself, never once had he heard George infer such things about the top two. Though he'd never said anything outright rude or demeaning, the tone was there. It made Tommy wonder, why? Most of it had been questions about their training during the day then the night. However, it didn't start to sound strange until the questions got more demanding, it felt almost as if he was being interrogated.

The thing Tommy didn't understand was why George was so insistent on knowing what they did on a daily basis, it scared him at his adamance. It was just training, occasionally talking about pretty much everything when the day was slow. Did George not trust the top 2? It was strange, a lot of people were tiptoeing around Dream, like he was about to burst into flames or turn into a pile of venomous snakes. Hell even Sapnap was walking on eggshells, it seemed only Tommy and Ranboo were comfortable being around him.

Though that was true, something still tried to pull Tommy away, as if he needed to wake from a nightmare that he was trapped inside. For his entire life, he wished to be a hero. To work with the big leagues, to become a protector for the city he loved.

But now, thinking about it, is that really what he wants? Or is it what Dream wants? No, Dream was a friend almost like the big brother to Tommy. Brother, the word made his heart ache, he wondered where his real brother Grian was. Was he alright? Was he safe?

"Tommy, there you are!" a familiar voice called Tommy, he turned to face Dream who was now standing beside him. "Why the frown, today is a warm sunny day, it will be one of the last before the rainy season" the hero smiled. The blonde laughed, but why was there a twinge of fear in his body, screaming at him to run from his mentor and friend. No surely it was nothing important, he could trust Dream, he taught him everything he needed to know.

A voice that wasn't his own laughed in his head. Did he really though? Or are you just telling yourself that? Tommy froze and stared at Dream. The hero was staring back confused, wondering why Tommy had stopped and just stared at him. "You alright, kid?" he asked, though the younger blonde didn't respond, there were far too many questions rushing through his mind. Who are you? He demanded answers, this felt too surreal, nothing made sense.

The voice laughed again, I will tell you when the time is right, for now think of me as an unknown "advisor", Tommy frowned. Frustrated with the strange person's answer, that's not what I asked, there was a silence for a moment then a quiet chuckle. But it was Tommy, you asked who I was, though I may not have given you my true name, at least I gave you something.

There was no way in hell Tommy would trust this unknown voice! Advisor? He didn't trust or know this person at all, he wanted to know how this anonymous tapped into his mind. Why are you here? No response, he tried to pull out the voice but it seemed long gone from his mind.

He let out a frustrated sigh, and Dream looked at him in concern. "Tommy, is something wrong?" he asked, the younger blonde smiled at him, "no nothing." His response didn't seem good enough to the hero who looked as if he wanted to push. However, Dream nodded and accepted Tommy's answer, even though he didn't seem all too happy about it.

As Dream began to walk away and Tommy followed a few seconds later, the voice spoke again, you can't trust him Tommy, I promise you. The closer Tommy got to Dream the more the voice began to glitch and fade, before it was nothing but static.


Dream wanted peace and quiet without being asked for autographs so he asked that the two change into more civilian clothing so they could talk, he was only here because Dream had dragged him here. All Tommy wanted to do was think, now he was dealing with Dream and an unknown voice in his head.

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