Chapter 8 - Gifts

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A day had passed since the visit to Las Nevadas, safe to say Bee wasn't happy that they had to patrol by themselves. But when he explained that he'd visited the city of gambling he believed his story.

"Oh yeah you can get distracted by that place" he admitted, "why'd you go?". Tome sighed, "well I went to check it out, as I legally can now without getting questionable looks. And I ran into Ace who took me into his tower and printed me one of these" he explained, handing the small metal plate to Bee who studied it curiously.

"How'd you get this?" Bee asked again, Tome responded the same as he did before. That he got it from Ace and a lot of other villains, and vigilantes have one.

He explained that it was a valid ID that could work with any system, he gave an example of him walking into a store full vigilante costume and he could buy items that require an ID. and he could use that one instead of using a civilian ID and screaming 'hey this is my name, age, address, and phone number come arrest me'.

Ender nodded, "you said to find Ace for one of these? This could be quite useful to us" he responded. Tome shook his head, "no, he finds you" he responded dryly "nearly gave me a heart attack".

"What do you mean he finds us?" Bee asked in confusion, "if you go looking for him he won't show up but if you wander around long enough, he'll appear if you seem to not know where you're going" Tome laughed.

Las Nevadas is abundant with people and things to do even Bee could get distracted by the flickering lights and delicious food. But Ace wouldn't resist the ability to terrify someone.

"Hey Tome, since I did this for Ender when we started working together, I wanted to make something for you," Bee explained, pulling two boxes out of his bag.

One was tanny-white, the other was an almost black red box. Ender stuck his hand into his own bag and pulled out a small metallic bot, it was dark purple with a big black eye.

He placed it on the ground and pulled out a tablet. Pressing a button the bot made a beeping noise before the robot closed its eye. Opening it again it blinked a few times three dots appeared as if it was loading and it made a weird chirping sound.

The three dots made a spiraling animation before meeting and fusing to make a bigger circle. The eye moved around as if sentient. "This is what I call an Endermite," Bee stated with pride.

Tome stared at him with confused disgust, "you made a big robotic mite?" he asked, moving a bit away from the small metallic bug. "Well... yeah it is kinda weird isn't it" his short companion admitted.

"Are- are these more of that?!" Tome asked, getting ready to launch the boxes across the roof. "What? Oh, no no no!" he gasped, his own robotic bees flying around his head like a little animated halo.

Tommy thought for a moment watching the bees move uniformly. As if it was what their whole life depended on.

"You know Bee, i don't think your name fits with you" Tome admitted placing the boxes to the side. "You don't?" he asked in confusion. "Well yeah, you have all those bees flying around your head, if anything you're like the queen, in control of everything" he explained.

Bee looked thoughtful for a second, "maybe you're right, Bee is quite simple, but we can talk about that after you open the gifts" he gestured to the medium sized boxes beside him.

Tommy raised an eyebrow, grabbing the black box off the tan one, he grabbed the red ribbon on top and pulled one of the strands. As the box unraveled, its hold on the lid and box became looser.

He discarded the thread to the side and pulled the lid from its body. The box was filled with wrapping paper and in the center was an item wrapped up in bubble wrap.

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