Chapter 15 - fucking hangovers man

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Tommy arose from his bed with a slight headache, he wondered what had happened last night. All he remembered was baking that cake with Icarus then talking, god that excessive talking.

Icarus could talk you to death, maybe that was a little too literal seeing as his powers were a form of psychokinesis. It wasn't mind control, more like manipulating one's emotions or causing them to see illusions.

With a mix of both, people claimed it felt like a hallucination, unlike the illusions which everyone could see. The mix caused a hallucination that only the victim was able to witness.

People talked about how their mind would whirl in and out of a state of consciousness. How things would be there until they weren't, they talked about dizziness, nausea, and consistent headaches for months after.

Had Icarus used his powers on him? Had he slipped up, had the man got into his head? No that wasn't right, Icarus was nothing like Syren who had the true definition of Mind control, or manipulation.

With the man it was a bit more difficult to pinpoint just what type of power he had. Sometimes it seemed to vary drastically.

He looked around, looking slightly confused until a man stood over him, "your heavy as fuck for a kid" Icarus laughed. He flipped the cap of an alcoholic beverage and chugged the thing down despite his winces.

He let out a heavy huff, "shit that stuffs strong" he hissed at himself, pressing a hand to his forehead. He turned to Tommy with a smile, "your first hangover?" he asked, slightly tilting the bottom of the bottle towards the blonde.

Tommy batted the bottle away, but another was offered. "Look, I don't think I can drink anymore," he snapped but Icarus shoved it in his hand. He looked down at his gloved hands which felt cold from the water bottle in his hands.

"At least drink that then" he shrugged, propping himself on the dresser of the room. Tommy hesitated opening the bottle but the moment the cool liquid hit his throat he greedily chugged down any drop he could get.

When he was done it felt slightly better. Was last night his first time getting fully intoxicated? He'd drank with Zespri and Desmond before but usually just one glass. He'd never been completely drunk before, it was an unnatural feeling to Tommy.

His head felt like it had been pulsing in his brain, it felt like his head was about to explode. "I think i'm gonna throw up" he muttered lowly, his own voice seeming to hurt his hangover worse.

"Well don't do it here" Icarus quickly responded, helping Tommy to his feet, and walked him out the door with him leaning on the other for support. Time was gone and Thanatos was busy reading one of the books from the bookshelf.

Both Callahan and Zephyrus were out like a light, the brunette unconscious on the floor while the older blonde was asleep on the couch. The villain slept a lot more well mannered than the vigilante that was snoring his life away.

Icarus settled him in front of the toilet and rubbed calming circles on his back as he threw up. If this was what getting drunk was like he never wanted to do it again. Fuck this was horrible.

Once he was done Tommy groaned leaning back against the sink cabinets. Icarus smiled at him as they heard a door open. Icarus stood up and went to see what was happening leaving Tommy alone, panting and gasping for air he'd lost.

Once he cooled down a bit and regained his breath he tried to stand but found it difficult to as he was dizzy. He reached a hand up and grabbed the corner of the counter pulling himself onto his feet.

God he was never drinking again. Tommy managed to get onto the couch, falling back with a heavy thud. Callahan shot up and looked at him with wide eyes, the blonde only looked back tiredly.

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