Chapter 5 - Patrols or break ins, either way an eventful night

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The skies were dark overhead; the only light around was the occasional police siren or light left on past midnight. The starry blanket overhead cast shadows onto the floor below.

A brunette leaped from one roof to the other before stopping to wait for his brother. Thanatos appeared not long after, his pink, braided hair flowing behind him as he jumped.

"So what now Icarus?" the male asked as he approached the brunette. He seemed to obtain great joy calling him arrogant. Icarus frowned, "now we wait for Zephyrus" he explained. This was their usual routine for patrols, waiting till midnight and gathering on a roof where they would wait.

Just as expected the winged male wasn't far behind, landing beside Thanatos only a few moments later. "Good evening boys" Zephyrus laughed as the shadowy mist around his wings dissipated, leaving behind dove white wings.

"Hello father" Thanatos responded, it wasn't a mystery that Zephyrus was their father, though people didn't know by blood or adoption. When Zeph had found them he was out of costume. Just the civilian Phillip Watson, Techno was found first, he had come from a wealthy yet cruel family.

He'd run away from home because they wanted him to take over all their assets. He was more of a fight not flight kinda person and would rather focus on hand to hand or sword fighting rather than politics.

Wilbur was found next and he remembered it like it was yesterday, he had been abandoned on the side of the street and put in the foster system. He'd run away and disappeared off the grid until he was 15 where he used a fake id to move from L'manberg to Pogtopia.

Phil found him on the side of the road in freezing rain in the middle of winter, he had no clue what would've happened if the blonde left him there. But it probably would have resulted in his painful death.

Of course back then the foster system was shit, and hell it probably still is. But it was slightly better ever since the old president was removed from the board all together. He was a drinker, a drug addict, and an abuser to his vice president who was also his lover at the time.

After he was overthrown the government threw the first person they could into that position. Alexis Maldonado Quackity, a.k.a the vice president and ex lover of the ex president. His name was usually shortened to President Quackity but still. The man usually was seen in Pogtopia gambling his life away, but hey at least he actually did his job correctly and didn't half-ass the work.

Most of the money he gambled was money he got from work, the man never actually pulled from the city's funds.

He even owned one of the richest parts of the city, Las Nevadas, and across the sea he owned the second richest city El Rapids. Though no one really talked of it as it wasn't nearly as popular as Las Nevadas also known as the city of gambling.

El rapids was smaller but still quite large in size, if you thought about it Las Nevadas was actually a part of the richer side of Pogtopia. But President Quackity and the King of Pogtopia, Eret signed an agreement that Las Nevadas was its own city.

Due to these two cities in the same place but not merged into one. One was known for gambling the other for its heroes. Icarus wouldn't say he loved having Eret as their King. Since their decisions weighed heavily on Dream who breathed down their neck every waking moment of their day.

He influenced the majority of decisions they made for the city.

The hero had more power and influence than people thought he did, and the hero threatened to corrupt over the power he held in his hands.

"Let's go" Zephyrus called from behind Icarus, raising his wings and taking off into the sky. "Where we're going I suggest you use your wings" he called behind him as he leaped from the roof over the streets below. His wings spread wide as he used the winds to get him in the air.

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