Chapter 23 - Meeting of truces and concerns

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Tommy lept from building to building, he found himself being pulled towards the heroes tower. He genuinely wanted to know how much damage was done, dropping down into an alleyway to stay hidden. He quickly and quietly made his way down it, slowly edging towards the outskirts of Pandora's vault.

As he finally reached the edge of Vine's garden, he found that everything was burnt to a crisp, the petals and leaves blackened by the burning disaster. He looked up towards the building itself and gaped at the damage, a huge hole was in the side of the wall. Charred around the edges and still looked red with warmth.

He hid behind a tree to watch as Hearthfire and Divinity tried their best to weld metal poles vertically in the wall. Most likely for support more than anything. "Holy shit Flashback," he muttered under his breath, he knew the other was unable to control his output but this was insane.

"Tome," a voice called from behind him, he turned and came face to face with 404. The top hero was smiling, like he didn't intend to arrest the villain at that instance. Warden was standing beside him, with his arms crossed behind his back.

404 snapped his fingers, Hearthfire vanished, reappearing beside Tommy. "Don't worry, i'm not here to arrest you, or to reprimand you for the theft of Dream's car, nor am I here to talk about the giant hole in the wall," he said, gesturing to Divinity, and now Warp.

He looked at him with a suspicious glare, crossing his arms to make his point. Somehow, he wasn't afraid of 404, he just seemed to dislike him for no reason.

"I want to talk about the files you gave us," he said with a smile, he seemed trustworthy. Tommy felt his body become a lot calmer, the tension fading when he realized they weren't a threat. For now.

His gaze was still skeptical as he waited for the hero to speak again. The man stared, his eyes shifting towards an entrance to the hero agency, and with the snap of his fingers, they were in front of the main entrance.

404 grabbed the door handle and opened it for them, Hearthfire went in first followed by Warden. Tommy stared blankly at the hero, "you're just gonna let a villain waltz right through your door?" he asked, puzzled.

The brunette laughed, "nonsense, i'm inviting you in, and you are technically being supervised" he shrugged. Tommy groaned and walked through the door falling beside Warden at the rear.

"Hi Tome" he said calmly, his voice seemed a bit happy, and lifted a bit more from the uncomfortable sternness. It felt nice, calming, almost warm beside the man. He didn't feel like a kid being supervised by three really stern adults.

Though that seemed to be what 404 was insinuating with his supervision comment. The four came to two large golden colored doors. As 404 scanned his keycard, the doors slid open to reveal a fancy elevator.

He followed Warden in, feeling extremely out of place in the large golden colored walls. Marble pillars ran up the corners, and plants lined the roof. The steady whirring under his feet stopped and the doors began to open.

Tommy was blinded as natural light filtered through the elevator, they then came to a large glass dome with rare and valuable plants lining the edges. Crystals of multiple colors spread around the room, most seemed to fit Dream and 404's color schemes.

There were more but none seemed relevant. Something touched his back and he jumped, turning to find a white crystal floating behind him. There was no color, it was just white with black lining the bottom and top.

It was plain, unlike Raynard's whose crystals looked like little foxes, or 404's who were medium blue with a red, blue, black, and white, glitch effect within. "Tome," Warden said, making him turn towards the table.

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